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If you have ever spend a considerable amount of time walking around your local grocery store, looking for that really obscure ingredient which your... Philips Smart Lighting Assists Shoppers

If you have ever spend a considerable amount of time walking around your local grocery store, looking for that really obscure ingredient which your dinner recipe calls for?  It’s really frustrating isn’t it? As if you didn’t have enough on your plate, (excuse the pun) finding the best Chardonnay to accompany your gastric masterpiece!  If lighting specialist Philips, have their way then I think that your culinary purchasing problems will be a thing of the past.  Phillips have tried their hands at Smart Street Lighting before, but now they are aiming at the retail environment.

Philips Smart Lighting Assists Shoppers

Philips is trying to bring their new connected retail lighting to your local supermarket, you should never be found wandering, almost aimlessly around the spices section again.  The technology used in this new lighting systems is based around something called; light-based communication.  It creates a positioning grid for your smartphone and then it informs you of the route you’ll need to take to buy everything for that particular recipe that you are shopping for.

Of course the design isn’t specifically catered for shoppers, the shopkeeper can also use the system to inform their customers of location-based discounts and other suggestions; for instance if you are looking for an idea for something for dessert, the smart lighting can direct you to the iced cream area. Philips is already testing their smart illumination system with a selected amount of stores.

Philips Retail Intelligent Lighting System

Would the smart retail lighting be something that would help or hinder you in your weekly shop? If you have any sensible comments regarding this story, please leave your comments in the section below.

[Images via firstdroid & digitaltrends]