You may remember that a little while ago we reported on what looked like a pair of normal winter gloves, which in actual fact had bluetooth capabilities, allowing you to take calls simply by holding your thumb and forefinger up to your ear and mouth. The gloves, which can be charged in thirty minutes and give you twenty hours of talk time, are great if you want to avoid getting cold hands. However, if you love tinkering and building your own gadgets, did you know it is possible to build your own bluetooth gloves?
That’s what Instructables user, known as WiseGuy10x has done. Using a glove, a push button, soldering iron, soldering wire, wire and of course a bluetooth headset, he has been able to build his own bluetooth glove that allows you to take easily take calls, without actually getting your phone out of your pocket.
The step-by-step guide is pretty straight forward and could perhaps be a great first project for any budding gadget hacker. For full instructions on how to build your very own ‘Bluetooth Glove: Version 3.0’, then check out the guide on Instructables.
[Image via Instructables]