In the wake of iPhone 6, Microsoft is offering 30GB of OneDrive space for free through a limited-time offer. The technology giant had doubled its free OneDrive offer from 7.5GB to 15GB in June of this year, but they have now doubled it again to a fairly decent 30GB of storage, amid reports of iPhone users struggling to make space for the new iOS 8.
OneDrive program manager Douglas Pearce explains, “We’ve been listening to the commentary about storage on the new iPhones released today and we wanted to get you more storage right away…We think you’ll appreciate having more free storage while setting up your iPhone 6 or upgrading to iOS 8.”
While previous iOS updates have required approximately 1GB of free space, a number of iPhone and iPad users have noticed the iOS 8 update, requiring up to 5.7GB of free space to install the latest update in the iOS series. This ‘glitch’ is irritating at best as the amount of required space for the OS update can change, depending on what device you are using, although apparently on some iPad models it has been said to take up a enormous 7GB of space to install.

One Drive is taking advantage of Apple’s iOS8 update installation size issues.
With Microsoft’s update of OneDrive, you can also get a camera roll bonus from 3GB to 15GB as long as you enable photo or video backup to OneDrive from the iOS app.
One good thing about this move is, if you haven’t yet backed up your data, you won’t have to clear away all your files just to make room for the update, or you needn’t be forced to install it via iTunes either.
Don’t worry if you aren’t running iOS, as the OneDrive offer isn’t just iOS-exclusive; those people using Android and Windows Phone can also get involved too.
The proviso is that you need to enable the camera backup on the app before the end of September (after that the offer expires).
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[Image via onlinestreaming07]
SOURCE: http://www.t3.com/news/microsoft-spots-ios-8-snag-ups-free-onedrive-storage-to-30gb