There are a few places you never want your new drone to crash – in the ocean (or any other body of water for that matter), on the highway during rush hour traffic, near the scene of a car wreck mid-investigation…and perhaps the top spot to never crash your drone is anywhere on the White House lawn. Yet that’s exactly what happened during the wee hours of the morning on Monday, January 26th, an event that sent members of the Secret Service into a frenzy trying to figure out just what it was doing at Pennsylvania Avenue’s most famous residence.
Brian Leary, a spokesperson for the Secret Service, stated that the unmanned aerial vehicle was a quadcopter and that it crashed around 3:08 in the morning immediately causing the White House to go into lockdown mode. The drone apparently posed no danger whatsoever to the President or the First Lady though, as they were in India at the time of its arrival.
As of this time, it’s unknown exactly what the small drone was doing on the grounds of the White House or who it ultimately belongs to; something tells me that everything will become clear within a few days, though.
If you live in Washington D.C. and are just getting into this whole drone craze, let me give you a simple tip: Don’t fly your drone anywhere near the White House – it probably won’t end very well. For you or your drone.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below!
[Images via Star Tribune and WSJ]
SOURCE: Yahoo Tech