Everything You Need To Know About HoloLens
Software Reviews January 27, 2015 Allanah

When Microsoft held its Windows 10 event last week at its headquarters in Washington, no one was expecting a new futuristic wearable device. The tech company astounded everyone with the announcement about HoloLens, Microsoft’s sleek-looking headset, complete with transparent lenses. It really does look like something straight out of a science fiction film but what does it actually do and is it something that is going to used by the masses? Microsoft clearly thinks so and sees a future where people are able to see interactive, 3D images on top of what they already see in everyday, real life situations. Here’s your quick guide to HoloLens and everything it has to offer.
How Does HoloLens Work?
The HoloLens tracks your every move and follows your gaze. It enables you to see 3D images by projecting them over the world around you. Apps and images are controlled by voice commands or hand gestures - think of clicking a mouse, only in mid-air.
These tech goggles are full of sensors, all designed to pick up on your every move. This data is then used, along with layers of coloured glass, to create the 3D images you can see and interact with.
The HoloLens also has an on-board camera so it knows the location of every object in a room. Because you can still see the real world around you, there is no risk of walking into walls or bumping into furniture.