Let’s face it – New Year’s Eve is cool and all, but sometimes parents don’t want to wait up with their kids until the ball drops at the midnight hour. Sometimes, parents are tired and don’t want to wait up at all; they just want to go to bed. (Nothing at all wrong with that!) Maybe it’s the young kids with their boundless energy who want to stay up all night and talk Mom and Dad into staying up all night with them. If that sounds familiar to you and your family, Netflix is attempting to help you out on this New Year’s Eve. They’ve come up with a plan to trick your young children into thinking midnight has come early. They’ve taken the popular kid’s show All Hail King Julien, and filmed a short 3-minute video showing the characters ringing in 2015. Obviously, this is for parents with children who don’t yet know how to tell time, but if you can get away with it, why not give it a shot?
This will also work if you just want to get your kids to go to bed early on New Year’s so you can stay up late and watch whatever you’d like on the television or just have some time to yourself!
I’ve read mixed reviews of Netflix’s decision here; some are shocked at all the parents willing to lie to their kids, while others are praising Netflix. Where do you stand? Let us know in the comments section below!
[Image via Mashable