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The new Photos app for the Mac OS X desktop has apparently been delayed, but no further information has been gathered about the issues... Photos App for Mac OS X Has Been Delayed

The new Photos app for the Mac OS X desktop has apparently been delayed, but no further information has been gathered about the issues involved. The new desktop app was originally pencilled in to roll out at the start of this year. Photos is set to replace the now ageing iPhoto and the paid for app, Aperture. The new Photos app will be the standard photo management software for the Mac OS X platform. But something has gone awry as Apple has mysteriously taken away the references to it from their website.

Apple updated the iOS version of the app and rolled out with the introduction of iOS 8 in 2014. At the same time Cook and the team promised the desktop counterpart would be on its way soon. As of yet, this has not occurred and with the removal of the information from Apple’s website, it look as though it may not be soon either.

Apple’s website had some preview pages for the new software, which stated the Photos app would be arriving to OS X in the early part of 2015. It is these pages which have since been removed from Apple’s website. There is a help article on their support page that simply states “the Photos app for Mac will be available at a later date.” With this information coupled with 9to5Mac’s report that the Photos app is still “on track” for an end of April release. It is confusing and the uncertainty has a number of people perplexed.

The new Photos app for OS X is supposed to be a replacement for both iPhoto and Aperture. Apple had confirmed that the firm would retire both of these apps after the launch of Yosemite, as the Photos app for both iOS and OS X platforms would, in effect, make them redundant.

There have been updates for Aperture and iPhoto back in October. This was undertaken in order to make them compatible with Yosemite. When the new Photos app does roll out, it would be unlikely that any updates would continue for those apps.

Mac users also have the option of using Adobe Lightroom for their photo management tool. Interestingly Adobe said they would “double down” on development of Lightroom, following the news that Apple had made plans to retire Aperture.

[Image via imore]