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I absolutely love looking through the online gadget collections, the ones that spout off about the coolest tech gear to hit the market in... 8 Gadgets You Never Knew You Needed

I absolutely love looking through the online gadget collections, the ones that spout off about the coolest tech gear to hit the market in the next few months. There’s really only one problem with those: if I had an extra $5,000 lying around, I wouldn’t spend it on a set of interchangeable lenses for my two-models-ago iPhone. The money thing is kind of why I’m still using a two-models-ago iPhone.

So here is the world’s briefest list of eight (mostly) affordable gadgets that really do stand to make your life easier, cooler, or just more fun.

Roomba Vacuum

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I absolutely hate those "cool gadget" posts that offer you your very own Batmobile for only $50,000, so I almost kicked this badboy off the list just because it's the highest priced item on here. But the thing is, the little guy actually works. It's awesome to kick its button on your way out the door in the morning and come home to a vacuumed living space.

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