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You only thought our lives couldn’t get any better with the invention of the self-driving car, the tablet computer, and a phone more powerful... Crazy Kickstarters That Will Have You Going For Your Wallet

You only thought our lives couldn’t get any better with the invention of the self-driving car, the tablet computer, and a phone more powerful than the computers your high school had for typing and business classes. Just to prove that there are no limits to the innovation Man is capable of (and to prove that we’ll spend money on just about anything), here is a quick look at some of the Kickstarter campaigns that have us not only scratching our heads, but also secretly clicking “back this campaign.” WARNING: There are no potato salad campaigns in this slideshow, much to our ultimate dismay.

Happy Birthday

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Now that the brain-child behind the glitter bomb (that envelope filled with glitter you could pay him to mail to your enemies) has had to close up shop due to sheer physical exhaustion from all the orders he took, someone had to come up with a better way to kindly hate people. Therefore, I give you the musical birthday card that never stops playing, or at least not until its long-life battery dies or its victim goes all The Shining on it.