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As if smartphones weren’t already smart enough, one of the best things about them is the ability to find a great book to read... Top eReading Apps For Your Mobile Device

As if smartphones weren’t already smart enough, one of the best things about them is the ability to find a great book to read while you’re waiting in line, taking the train home from work, or otherwise just passing the time. But before you think you’re stuck with just the Kindle or Nook apps, take a look at these great ereading options from some of the other game changers in the industry. Each of these apps brings something unique to the reader experience, and they’re all certain to offer something for everyone.


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When ebook subscription services like Scribd, Oyster, and Kindle Unlimited launched, readers loved the all-you-can-eat for $9.99 model. There's just one problem: most consumers don't have time to read enough to make it worth the money. That's why Rooster launched with its $4.99 serialized content model. For about half the money, you get all you can read of their shorter works each month, and installments you want to be reminded of come straight to your dashboard.