Windows 10: Upgrade Now, Or Tonight. Now?
NewsWindows December 17, 2015 Euan Viveash

Microsoft have begun putting pressure on people to make the upgrade to Windows 10, and not everyone is happy about it.
If you’re one of those people still running Windows 7 or Windows 8 then by now you might have noticed Microsoft have begun pushing Windows 10 on you that little bit more recently. Ever since the free upgrade for Windows 10 was released, Microsoft have been keen to remind us all that upgrading is an option and invited you to do it.
As the months have passed however, Microsoft have become just that little bit pushier, and now they’ve made it next to impossible to avoid.
Despite the global success of Windows 10, Microsoft have come in for some pretyy serious criticism from some quarters. As well as constantly reminding users to upgrade incessantly, and downloading 3-5 GB files in the background on some users computers, and also starting the Windows 10 upgrade for some users ‘by accident,’ and also the privacy issues Microsoft have had to deal with….Microsoft have now started posting pop-up boxes on users of Windows 7 and 8 in a bid to get them to upgrade.
No harm, no foul, you might think, but it does seem like the Redmond Giant has resorted to the type of tactics used by spammers on dodgy websites to push their software.
Microsoft have come under fire this time for pushing the pop-up ad mainstay of the ‘assumptive sell,’ and it really isn’t the sort of thing you’d expect from a top tech company like Microsoft.
For some tech commentators it’s a push too far, saying that “Microsoft is intent on wearing down users until they’d rather upgrade than deal with the notifications.”
While most users not currently interested in the upgrade will know to just click the red x in the corner, less tech savvy users may think they have no other option than to either take Windows 10 there and then, or chance having it install itself overnight.
As well as the new pop-ups, the Windows 10 upgrade has now become an option as part of Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday monthly update release. In January next year, this will change to become a ‘recommended’ update. Anyone who downloads patches automatically may find themselves with Windows 10 on their computer without realising they’d already agreed to it.
Honestly, Microsoft, this type of thing just isn’t cricket, you know.