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Scan networks, ports, servers, devices and more. Whether you’re a network administrator who needs detailed insight, a developer, or just a private user with... Top 5 IP And Network Scanners

Scan networks, ports, servers, devices and more.

Whether you’re a network administrator who needs detailed insight, a developer, or just a private user with a thirst for knowledge and an interest in security, good IP and Network scanning software can bring real benefits.
Check the status of computers and various network devices (are they up or down), find spare addresses in statically-addressed networks, monitor the usage of server-type or P2P applications, make inventory of available hardware and software, check for recently discovered holes, and much more with our Top 5 IP And Network Scanners.

Free IP Scanner

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Free IP Scanner, from Eusing software, is an IP and port scanner that’s been designed for both system admins and general users, to monitor and manage networks. It’s powered with multi-thread scan technology, and can scan hundreds computers per second. It simply pings each IP address to check if it's alive, then optionally can resolve its hostname, for example. It can also be configured to scan in many priority levels, with users able set the number of maximum threads and so on. Free IP scanner can also display NetBIOS information: host name, workgroup, currently logged user and MAC address. The information gathered can then be exported into as a plain text file. The software is provided as standalone executable, so it doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy the executable (ipscan.exe) to any folder you like, and run it.