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Scan networks, ports, servers, devices and more. Whether you’re a network administrator who needs detailed insight, a developer, or just a private user with... Top 5 IP And Network Scanners

Scan networks, ports, servers, devices and more.

Whether you’re a network administrator who needs detailed insight, a developer, or just a private user with a thirst for knowledge and an interest in security, good IP and Network scanning software can bring real benefits.
Check the status of computers and various network devices (are they up or down), find spare addresses in statically-addressed networks, monitor the usage of server-type or P2P applications, make inventory of available hardware and software, check for recently discovered holes, and much more with our Top 5 IP And Network Scanners.

Network Monitor

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From the mighty Microsoft, Network Monitor is a network diagnostic tool, which monitors local area networks (LANs) and provides a graphical display of network stats. Intended for the advanced user, the Network Monitor portion of the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) extends the functionality of Network Monitor by helping you to create custom experts, protocol parsers, and network packet providers (NPPs). Network admins can use these stats to perform any routine trouble-shooting tasks, such as locating a server which is down. The app works by collecting large amounts of data from the network's data stream and displaying it for the user. It can display the source address of the computer that sent a frame onto the network, the destination address of the computer that received it, the protocols used to send the frame and the data, or a portion of the message being sent. Clever, eh? Overall, Network Monitor is a great tool if you need to get complex information regarding your network.