FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

We’re switching off comments on We are currently working hard to improve our site and the FileHippo user experience. Consequently, we’ve decided to... Removal of Comments from FileHippo News

We’re switching off comments on

We are currently working hard to improve our site and the FileHippo user experience. Consequently, we’ve decided to switch off the comments feature on our news stories and main site. This will help to streamline our pages, encouraging faster loading times and better usability.

We’ll be switching the comments off soon, but don’t panic – we still want to hear from you!

The trend over recent years has seen the decline in user comments on websites and news stories, and the conversation has largely moved over to social media, where users can interact more freely and openly with each other.

We want to take the conversation to a larger audience, to spark more valuable debate and discussion of software news on social media. You can share your thoughts with us at any time on Facebook (@official.filehippo) and Twitter (@filehippo).