FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

How to Clean Up Your Computer or Laptop after the Holidays

Your laptop most probably carries more than just travel photos and memories from your holidays. Using it to stay in touch, watch movies, or navigate your way around an unknown location during your vacation adventures, it’s no surprise that digital clutter builds up. From downloading huge files and accessing unfamiliar…

Holiday Video Disasters: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

The arrival of summer is often accompanied by cameras ready to capture every special moment of our vacations. However, too often we discover upon returning home that those memories have various types of errors. From videos that won’t play to corrupt files that prevent us from reliving our experiences, it’s…

August 24 Tech news roundup: Windows will remove Control Panel soon, Chrome gets a critical security update, Access Apple Podcasts on any browser

Windows 11 Control Panel will be removed soon Microsoft has confirmed it will remove Control Panel from Windows 11. This has been coming for a long time, since 2015 to be precise. A recent update to a document on Microsoft’s website reveals that the legacy app is being deprecated, in…

A Look At Samsung ATIV Tab 3
It’s all about how thin gadgets are these days. People would easily make a trade off when it comes to performance specs, if the gadget is thin enough to make a difference in weight. I’m one of those – MacBook Air over MacBook Pro Retina. Never mind that Retina is... Read more
WigWag: The Future Of Connected Homes?
Every technophile dreams of having the ultimate connected home. Perhaps, you’ve even made steps to attain that goal. It can start with the entertainment system being controlled via your phone and/or tablet. Then there are lighting schemes also controlled by smartphones, not to mention keyless locks. One appliance at... Read more
Get The Kobo Mini For Only $39!
Not too long ago, I wrote about the Kobo brand being a good option for people who want a dedicated ebook reader. While practically any smartphone and tablet can be used to read ebooks, there is something about setting aside devices for specific purposes. The ebook reader market is... Read more
Is Instagram Video Going To Kill Vine?
So everyone who said that the Facebook event was going to be all about Instagram video was right. The “big idea” from a “small team” indeed turned out to be video sharing via what used to be a photo-only platform. And yes, the filters are there. Of course, this... Read more
Hands-Free Technology Hasn’t Improved Motorist Safety
Hands-free mobile technology has made such strides that it is not uncommon to see rows upon rows of devices promoting motorist safety while staying connected. Gadgets and gizmos allowing drivers to text, call, and even send email are practically ubiquitous these days, and with all the horrific accidents that... Read more
Facebook Event is All About Video Instagram
Last week, Facebook incited talk when it sent out “real” invitations to a “big idea” event. The invite reads: “A small team has been working on a big idea. Join us for coffee and learn about a new product.” Small team. Big idea. Coffee. New product. That sounds like a... Read more
Microsoft Joins Specialty Store Fray with Windows Stores
There is something to be said about not having to leave your chair – or bed, for that matter – to make purchases. There are many reasons, after all, that online shopping has become a default for many people. Of course, that does not totally discount the fact that... Read more
Why Apple Should Not Build A Cheaper iPhone
The WWDC has come and gone, and we’re hearing and seeing all about iOS 7 left and right. There are those who can’t stop bashing the “unfinished” look of what is essentially an unfinished OS (duh), and there are those who are loving it and the potential it offers.... Read more
WhatsApp Takes Over Mobile Messaging With 27 Billion Messages per day
At the end of 2012, estimates pointed to about 6.8 billion mobile subscribers worldwide. That’s about 96 percent of the world’s population! If you’re having difficulty wrapping your head around that number, it is worth noting that “mobile subscribers” refer to the SIM cards being used, and not the number... Read more
3D Superstar MakerBot May Be Up For Sale
Founded in 2009, Brooklyn-based MakerBot has certainly skyrocketed to superstardom in the world of 3D printing. The technology is still not mainstream, but MakerBot, with its goal of bringing 3D printing to the home, is at the head of the pack. And earlier this year, rumors have been hounding... Read more
Wikimedia To Launch WYSIWYG Editor In July
Writing for the web is different from writing for print. Every content writer knows that, and when it comes to online writing, there is an even more special breed of writers – those who are well-versed in writing for Wikipedia. While we all know that Wikipedia has become the... Read more
Amazon Opens Indie Game Store
Indie game developers, rejoice! And, if you’re an avid supporter of the indie concept, you have good reason to clap your hands – and get clicking – as well. Amazon has just launched a new dedicated storefront called the Amazon Indie Game Store. Obviously, this section is all about... Read more
Soon, You Can Trade-In Your Apple Device In-Store
How often have you found yourself wanting the latest iPhone only to have to wait because it’s “not time” to replace your current device? If you’re one of the lucky ones, you can always afford to ditch your current iPhone for the latest model. There are ways to get... Read more
Any.DO Launches Calendar App Cal & It’s Beautiful
When Any.DO first launched in 2011, The Next Web called it the “only productivity app you’ll ever need.” Even though, back then, it was only available for Android, the to-do app seemed to have impressed users by its simplicity and sleekness. Two years down the road, Any.DO is already... Read more
Why The New Retina iPod Touch Is A Brilliant Move For Apple
Late last month, Apple quietly released a new model of the iPod Touch. While that did not go unnoticed – of course! – there wasn’t any fanfare to speak of. Rather un-Apple like, don’t you think? Go back to the previous release of the iPod Touch. Unveiled in September... Read more
Waze Makes Finding Facebook Event Venues Easier
Man is a social animal, and it seems that sharing every aspect of our lives is becoming more and more the norm. With apps and platforms coming together like never before, sharing is but a click or two away. And driving slash navigating is not exempt from that. Only... Read more
Coursera Expands With 10 New University Partnerships
Earlier this year, MOOC superstar Coursera’s cred went up a notch. With the American Council on Education giving its official approval to certain Coursera programs, the MOOC provider has gone beyond the idea of learning for the sheer pleasure of it. Indeed, with some courses having the potential to... Read more
Roku Seeks To Dominate Your Living Room
Home entertainment setups have come a long, long way since I was a kid. I don’t know about you, but I still remember the days when having a Betamax was such a novel thing. If you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, then you’re wonderfully young. Revel... Read more