FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Rescuing Your Data: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Recovery Solutions

Our digital lives hinge on data, from personal memories to essential work documents. Losing this crucial information can be devastating. Fortunately, data recovery software offers a vital safety net. This guide examines the intricacies of data recovery, its practical applications, and how to choose the right software for protecting your…

Adobe Acrobat Pro is the ultimate solution for increased productivity

Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Despite our many technological advances today, we still sit with situations where we open several apps for a task. You use one to compile a document, another one…

GOM Mix Max’s Big Launch

GOM & Company is releasing its newest video editing software, GOM Mix Max, with a big launch celebration. Focused on balancing high-quality and plentiful features, GOM Mix Max will be a powerful tool for new editors and veterans alike. Users who sign up now can get GOM Mix Max for free for…

Asius Inflatable Earbuds – One Size Fits All!
Have you ever wished that earbuds came in a one-size-fits-all package? And when I say “fit” I am a “perfect fit” – not “it’s in there, but it may be a tad too big or a little bit too small”. I guess we’ve all been in that situation. Even... Read more
Has Lightning Struck Twice For Imangi’s Temple Run?
I don’t know about you, but I was taken by surprise (in the pleasant sense of the term) when I heard about Temple Run 2 being launched. Then again, the sequel to the hit game Temple Run was not really hyped up, and while Temple Run 2 took nine... Read more
Dropify Allows You To Share Files Via Facebook
Facebook is still the most popular social networking site today, although very recent surveys seem to point at something different when it comes to the younger generation. In particular, Tumblr seems to be gaining an edge. Still, the prevalence of Facebook cannot be ignored, with people utilizing the site... Read more
What We Know About The PlayStation 4 So Far
The grapevine has been on fire, thanks to speculations about the PlayStation 4, which many a gamer has been waiting for. With the PlayStation 3 being nothing short of awesome, we can only expect the next generation PlayStation console to be even more so. And with all the rumors... Read more
Montaj: The Video App For Those Who Like To Shake It
Photo apps with filters and other editing features have enabled the average person to concoct creations worthy of a professional photographer. Well, maybe not exactly, but there is no denying that these apps have skyrocketed in popularity. And while it is not necessarily always applicable, photography enthusiasts also have... Read more
Asia Gets 30% Speed Bump Thanks to New Google Servers
Google users in Asia are about to enjoy faster Google Services thanks to the new data centers being constructed in the region. Currently, Google has 10 data centers scattered around the world with 7 located in the United States and the other 3 located in Belgium, Finland and Ireland. With 3... Read more
Moving? Check Out Unpakt
Moving is stressful enough without having to deal with unreliable moving companies that are out to rip you off with their hidden charges. One minute you think you’re getting a nice sweet deal, only to realize later on that your bill is bound to be a whole lot higher... Read more
Facebook: The Undeniable Social Network King
Facebook may have had a very difficult year after the IPO debacle that led to an unbelievable plummet in its share prices, but the good news is that the social networking company is starting to recover with its shares now trading above $30 for the first time since its... Read more
Ubuntu OS Phones to Ship In 2014
It has been some time since I’ve carried around an Ubuntu-toting laptop, but my memories of the OS sure are fond ones. I remember the first time I used Ubuntu over a decade ago. I was really impressed with the easy installation (No drivers needed. Gasp!) and the clean... Read more
Is the iPad’s Popularity Declining?
The answer to that question is a quick NO. One only has to look at the latest figures with Forrester Research suggesting that Apple will sell more than $39 billion in Macs and iPads in 2014. What’s even more interesting about the given figures though is that breaking it... Read more
Digital Book Growth Continues & Tablets Overtaking E-Readers
When was the last time you read a book? I mean a real book – one that’s made out of paper. The chances are that you devour books in the electronic format more than the traditional form. There is nothing wrong with that, although arguments can be made to... Read more
Why The E-Book Experience Will Only Get Better In 2013
Only several years ago, I used to be one of those hardcore paper book lovers. I was adamant about not going the e-book way, if only because I have always loved printed books. The look, feel, and smell of paper is certainly unmatchable. There is a lot of love... Read more
US Military Finds Better Use For Kinect
Before the Kinect, the Nintendo Wii made gaming more accessible to a wider range of people. From toddlers to grandparents, suddenly the idea of playing video games became more plausible. Microsoft took the concept of gaming to a whole new level with the Kinect, though, as the motion-sensing device... Read more
VLC For Windows 8 Gets Kickstarter Backing
VLC is one of the best – if not the best – media players out there. Whether you are a Windows user or a Mac user, VLC can do the job without all the issues that other media players present. The open-source media player first saw daylight in 1996,... Read more
Windows 8 Is Child’s Play
Microsoft Windows 8 was so hyped from the get go, that it could only go brilliantly or turn into a disaster. There just might be no middle ground. And from the looks of it, Windows 8 is not doing well at all. Sure, there are those who still see... Read more
Top 10 YouTube Trailers of 2012
I am not a huge YouTube person, but now and then, I get bouts of YouTube fixation. There are, after all, some pretty awesome videos to see in the platform. And, every year, YouTube gives us a recap of the year in videos. As 2012 winds down, we are... Read more
Lycos Is Making a Comeback in 2013
Back in the early 1990s, Lycos was the household name. Those of who were nerdy fortunate enough to have an online life back then would remember that name. Whether with fondness or an emotion akin to “good riddance”, I am not entirely sure. Yet the story of Lycos does... Read more
The Cookoo Analog Smart Watch Is A Perfect Late Gift
Smart watches have always been a popular concept, and there has been no lack of brilliant minds working on bringing the perfect smart watch to the general public. While the iPod Nano mayfunction as a watch, I have never been able to force myself to actually use it as... Read more