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Word From Our Editor: Eight Great Productivity Apps To Kick Start Your New Year
Too much food consumed? Check. Too much hooch drunk? Check. A bunch of tat received from relatives that’s now on eBay? Check. Well then, with Christmas finally behind us and 2017 underway, here’s our top 8 free productivity apps to help kick-start your new year. From turbo-charging your to-do lists,... Read more
Turkey Blocks Tor Network
Turkey has begun blocking direct access to the Tor anonymous browsing network as part of a continuous wide ranging assault on people within the country who attempt to bypass the government’s draconian internet censorship. The watchdog group Turkey Blocks has confirmed that Turkey is blocking the Tor anonymity network’s direct access mode for most users,... Read more
Uber’s Self-Driving Dreams Are On Hold
What could possibly be better than “hiring” a global team of contractors to drive passengers for your company while not actually paying them as your employees? Getting rid of them altogether. At least, that seems to be the ideal now that Uber has launched its self-driving car project. Think of... Read more
Tech Workers Pledge Not To Help Trump Build Muslim Database
More than 1,200 software engineers and tech workers from a veritable who’s who of the tech world have signed an on-line pledge not to participate or help any Donald Trump administration initiative to design or build a proposed database to track people in the US based on their race, religion or... Read more
Tech Giants To Digitally Fingerprint Extremist Content
Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and You Tube have jointly teamed up to try and prevent the spread of extremist and terrorist content through their sites. Extremist and violent content shared on social media will be digitally fingerprinted by the four tech giants to try and prevent it going viral. The four... Read more
US Tech Giants Not Doing Enough To Combat On-Line Hate Speech
According to new research by the EU, US tech firms only manage to remove less than half of all confirmed reports of hate speech within one day. The news comes as the European Commission decided to investigate whether the tech giant companies were delivering on the promise they made in... Read more
Word From Our Editor: Privacy, Security And VPNs – What The ‘Snooper’s Charter’ Means For You
Despite months of debate, outrage by campaigners, and a petition signed by more than 130,000 people asking the UK government to repeal it, the Investigatory Powers Bill has now received Royal Assent and is likely to become law early 2017. According to the government, the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 will... Read more
Word From Our Editor: Why You Need AntiVirus
If there’s one thing 2016 has taught us, it’s that it’s a scary world out there! Whether you’re a well-loved celebrity, a disillusioned voter, or a giant internet company brought to its knees by massive DDoS attack, this year has proved you can’t afford to be complacent
 I’m going to... Read more
New Private VPN From TunnelBear
Privacy is a top concern for many tech users today, and not just those with high-powered Silicon Valley careers or government positions. With news of hacking events, data breaches, and state-sanctioned surveillance cropping up every day, protecting yourself from unwanted monitoring is just smart, no matter what type of user... Read more
Canada Immigration Website Traffic Surges And Crashes In Wake Of Trump Victory
The official Canadian website for ‘Citizenship and Immigration Canada’ has stopped working. Speculation across the internet seems to point to the sheer number of people from the USA investigating the idea of moving to their northern neighbour’s country. Data from Google seems to indicate that searches for ‘move to Canada’... Read more
The End Of The Vine

Well that’s that then, it’s official, Twitter is Vinally ending its popular video looping app, Vine. It was the Vinest of time, it was the worst of times
 Vine, which Twitter,  the social media company bought for a guesstimated $30 million in 2012 that plays 6 second loops in an... Read more
Consumers To Blame In DDoS Attack
Blame is an ugly word, but sometimes the truth hurts. At least, that’s where the news and investigation into last week’s large-scale DDoS attack have been taking us. While the full blame for the attack rests squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrators, there’s another group who carries some responsibility... Read more
Is The DDoS Attack Just The Beginning?
Last Friday, a DDOS attack set off a shockwave of disbelief when internet users couldn’t access some of their typical websites. Some major websites were affected, along with a few others who rely on the same infrastructure provider, Dyn. Dyn reported repeated DDoS attacks that came in one after another,... Read more
Google’s Conversation AI To Stop Online Bullying
Don’t read the comments…don’t read the comments…don’t read the comments… It’s become the mantra of every sane internet user, but too many of us can’t help but look. Whether it’s nasty remarks on a YouTube video, a tweetstorm on social media, or any of the millions of hate-filled, rhetoric-laced political... Read more
Gamer’s Funeral Live Streamed On Internet
In a sign of just how far and how integrated the on-line gaming community has become, the funeral of a 24-year-old professional has been streamed live on video gaming platform Twitch. Philip “Phizzurp” Klemenov, a well-known pro gamer and live streamer had his life tragically cut short when he was involved a... Read more
Tech Companies: “We’re Not Yahoo”
News broke this week of some pretty shady dealings from Yahoo. Some former employees have released the news that the company was spying on its own customers’ email accounts at the US government’s request, intent on snooping around for evidence of illegal activity through keywords and phrases. While the internet... Read more
Russia Blocks More Porn Sites, including Youporn and Pornhub and, two of the world’s largest adult websites in the world are to be blocked by the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, (Roskomnadzor). All Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Russia have until Tuesday to comply with the new ruling. The decision... Read more
Apple Adds New Privacy To iOS…Thanks To Microsoft
In the current technology climate, privacy is every bit a commodity as the latest consumer gadget. With more and more everyday tech users understanding the ramifications of turning over control of their information to a corporation or the government, there’s big money to be made in guaranteeing that no one... Read more