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Kremlin Responds To Ban On Kaspersky Antivirus Software
Response follows 90-day deadline for US federal agencies to remove the security software. When you’re desperately trying to get people to believe that your Russian tech company has no ties to the Russian government, maybe it’d be a good idea to not have a statement of support from that very... Read more
Ted Cruz Liked Tweet Breaks The Internet
Republican Senator+porn tweet ‘like’=internet gold. Social Conservative Senator and former Republican US Presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, found himself trending during the middle of the night, Monday, and found himself facing major backlash after his Twitter account ‘liked’ an online pornography video. The Texas senator’s verified account, which has more than... Read more
AI A Bigger Threat Than North Korea Says Elon Musk
Tesla and SpaceX boss says Artificial Intelligence (AI) could lead to third world war. Billionaire and serial entrepreneur, Elon Musk, has warned that the most probable result of an international military artificial intelligence race is more likely to cause World War III than any real conceivable conventional threat such as... Read more
Man Jailed For Selling VPNs that Bypass China’s ‘Great Firewall’
Sale of virtual private networks carry serious penalty, rules Chinese Supreme People’s Court.  News  has emerged that authorities in China sentenced a man in March, to nine months in jail for selling virtual private networks (VPNs) aimed at circumnavigating the Great Firewall of China. According to court documents posted on a... Read more
Sarahah ‘Self-Development’ App Steals Your Contacts Data
Researcher catches the app copying his entire address book, in real-time. There has been a lot of news about a compliments-and-criticisms app, which at one point reached number one in the App Store for both iPhone and iPad. Essentially, the stated premise of Sarahah – which means “frankness” – is to... Read more
Fotojet Collage Maker Review: Fun. Powerful. Brilliant. Fun.
Fotojet makes creating collages of your favourite photographs simple and easy, yet produces graphic design quality work with next to no effort on your part. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that give you the most enjoyment. It’s nice when things just work the way you think you should.... Read more
HBO Hackers Threaten Game Of Thrones Season Finale
GOT hackers have left HBO in little doubt of their intentions, by dumping  social media account passwords on on the web, following the theft of confidential data. In the latest update to HBO’s hacking woes, assailants have threatened to leak the Game of Thrones season finale before it is due to air... Read more
Tech Is Taking On White Supremacists…And Winning
PayPal, Airbnb, and GoDaddy among the tech companies making a stand. Members of radical Christian hate groups have made plenty of headlines in the past few weeks, most recently for attacking counter-protestors who disagreed with their Nazi flags and faux Confederate flags. One woman was killed and others were wounded... Read more
Grammarly For Chrome: Grammar Made Easy?
Grammarly for Chrome is a free extension for Google’s Chrome browser which checks your grammar and spelling. The Grammarly extension works pretty much just like the spell checker in most Word Processors such as Word, but does it for all your online stuff instead. It works with Twitter, Facebook, Gmail... Read more
Solar Energy Vulnerabilities Can Lead To Grid Shutdown
Dutch researcher finds weakness within inverters. With the current global focus on renewable and green energy, innovations are being made almost daily to make alternative energy sources readily available, affordable, and most of all, actually workable. Currently, a lot of forms of green energy are either cost-prohibitive for individual use,... Read more
Ebook Lending Hitting Record Numbers
When the digital book revolution first took off, naysayers argued that ebooks were nothing more than a flash in the pan. Hardline devotees to paper and ink vowed to never let go of their death grip on “real” books, even as publishers scrambled to figure out how to monetize and... Read more
Spoofing Gets Serious With Entire Fake Website
Most tech users have received more than their fair share of scam emails. From deposed (and stranded) Nigerian princes to widows who somehow seem confused as to how to spend the millions of dollars their husbands left them, the stories are almost laughable. Unfortunately, what makes the scam email deadly... Read more
Apple Removes VPN Apps From China Store After Government Pressure. 
Apple puts profit and market access ahead of principles. Apple has bowed pressure from the Chinese government and has admitted it has removed all VPN (Virtual Private Network) services from the Chinese App store. VPNs allow users to bypass China’s so-called “Great Firewall” aimed at restricting access to overseas sites. China’s... Read more
WhatsApp Falling Foul Of Chinese Censors?
Is WhatsApp being censored in China? If news reports and some users in the country are to be believed, it might be. According to the BBC, many users have reported that voice messages and media files such as videos and pictures will no longer send to their intended destinations without... Read more
Telegram App Takes Down Suspected Terror Communications
Indonesia Blocks Telegram Messaging Service Over Security Concerns. The tech industry has been called upon by multiple sources to step in and take a more active role in thwarting terrorism. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms have been loudly criticized for not doing more to curb suspected terrorists’ accounts,... Read more
Why You Should Be Concerned About Net Neutrality
If you’re not freaking out, your not paying attention. Facebook, Alphabet (Google), Twitter, Amazon, Netflix, and dozens of other tech firms and websites from porn and dating sites, to Reddit and AirBnB, got together for a day of action to protest proposed changes to US net neutrality rules, on July... Read more
Fighting For Net Neutrality AGAIN
Tech giants rally today in support of net neutrality Today, some of the world’s biggest internet companies and activist groups are coming together to protest the FCC’s proposed rollback of net neutrality protections. It’s tiring to have think you’ve won a significant victory for mankind, only to have the political winds of... Read more
Facebook Claims To Hit Back At Terrorism
Promises to take active approach to preventing on-site activity. Another day, another headline about a terrorist attack… but in this digital world we live in, there’s a key player involved that some critics feel really isn’t taking their role seriously. Social media platforms have been under intense scrutiny for the... Read more