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Latest Avast Antivirus Features New Ransomware Shield
Avast Internet Security and Avast Premier now offer enhanced security.  In response to the growing dangers of ransomware attacks, the latest premium antivirus updates from security big-hitters Avast, now feature Ransomware Shield. Only available with Avast Internet Security and Avast Premier, Ransomware Shield offers users an added layer of protection beyond Avast’s... Read more
Claim your free copy of PDFelement 6
Share promo link on social media by June 25 for free Wondershare software. Wondershare, the publishers of Adobe Acrobat alternative PDFelement 6, are offering a free license to anyone who shares their promotional link on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google+, between now and June 25! Click on the link and... Read more
Hacking The Galaxy S8 Iris Scanner
Three every-day items hold key to smartphone hack. Just when you think researchers have finally come up with a foolproof security scan method (and what could possibly be more secure than the eyes in your skull?) some fancy hackers have to go and prove it can be beaten. Even worse,... Read more
Global WannaCry Ransomware Attack Spread Halted ‘By Accident’
Self-taught security researcher stopped ransomware attack by registering a web domain for $10. A 22-year-old self-taught security researcher (who still lives at home) known only as  Malware Tech, managed to stop the spread of the seemingly unstoppable piece of malicious ransomware this weekend, during his vacation, without initially realizing he... Read more
Microsoft Fix ‘Crazy Bad Bug’ In Windows Malware Scanner
Windows Bug Found By Project Zero Researchers A zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Windows malware scanners, such as Defender, could have allowed hackers to take control of Windows computers with a single email… that users might not even have read. The vulnerability was quickly named as possibly the worst Windows remote code... Read more
Patch Announced To Fix Microsoft Word Bug
Help on the way to cure zero-day vulnerability discovered in Microsoft’s flagship title. If you’re a Windows fan, take note: a security flaw in Word has been announced, one that apparently affects every single version of the software. The new zero-day vulnerability has been discovered in the Microsoft flagship title, one... Read more
Verizon Rebrand And Relaunch Yahoo and AOL Into Oath
No, it’s not a late April Fool’s day joke, Verizon intend to combine Yahoo and AOL into a new company and call it ‘Oath.’ The news comes as Verizon completes its $4 billion plus takeover of Yahoo. ‘Oath’ was announced by AOL boss Tim Armstrong, Tuesday, ahead of a planned... Read more
LastPass Password Manager Has Major Hackable Security Issue
New vulnerability could allow hackers to steal passwords or use remote code execution. For the second time in as many weeks, LastPass password employees are allegedly frantically scrambling to try and fix a major software vulnerability that could allow sufficiently technical malicious websites to bypass LastPass code and infect computers... Read more
Facebook Bans Surveillance Tools By Software Developers
Facebook relents under pressure from civil liberties groups and bans developers from using social networks to create surveillance tools. Facebook announced that it has stopped software developers from being able to access the social network’s data to create surveillance tools, finally closing off a dubious situation that has seen third party... Read more
University Network Crippled By Its Own Hacked Vending Machines
Hackers flooded the network with a botnet-style attack. In one of the weirder hacking events in recent months, an unnamed university’s network was hobbled to the point of uselessness by hackers. That’s not really all that shocking, but what is humorously surprising is the breach mechanism: vending machines. A new... Read more
Trump Given Credit By Intel For $7bn US Factory Started Under Obama
Intel CEO’s statement that Arizona plant is because of Trump’s policies skews truth… Intel’s CEO, Brian Krzanich, used a meeting with President Donald Trump to announce it would invest approximately $7bn building a factory in Arizona and create 3,000 jobs. The densely packed Oval Office meeting, filled with members of the... Read more
Elon Musk: PayPal Then SpaceX, Now A Tunnel Under LA
Is the tech entrepreneur serious about his solution to traffic congestion? While necessity is the mother of invention, sometimes the greatest inventions are borne out of pure irritation and access to Twitter. Famed game-changer Elon Musk, frustrated at sitting in dead standstill Los Angeles traffic, tweeted an innocuous and humorous threat... Read more
Is Your AV Software Doing More Harm Than Good?
Former Mozilla engineer makes controversial antivirus claim. Anyone who’s been around a computer for a while has probably been beaten over the head with the long-standing mantra to install and update their antivirus software regularly. AV software is an industry all on its own, and it’s long been seen as... Read more
Trump Inauguration Breaks Live Streaming Records
Here Are Some Viewing Stats The New President Won’t Have To Defend. While Donald J Trump’s public ascendancy to President of the United States of America may – or may not – have gathered quite as many people as Barack Obama’s inauguration, it did manage to break records when it... Read more
Anonymous Declares War On Trump
Hacktivist group Anonymous turns attention to Donald Trump If you’re reading this, the world didn’t end like some people feared. Yes, the US Presidential inauguration may have gone ahead as planned, but the Y2K-like predictions of planes falling from the sky did not. One group, however, has threatened to spend the... Read more
Facebook Germany To Tackle Fake News Ahead Of Election
Facebook has announced plans that it will introduce new measures to reduce the dissemination of fake news stories in Germany ahead of this September’s national elections. The move comes hot on the heels of last November’s US Presidential election where ‘Fake News’ shared on social media sites has been widely... Read more
Trump Games Taking Over App Stores
With all the media attention – hourly, if you’ve been following along for any amount of time – focused on the PEOTUS right now, it’s easy to forget that he’s already been something of a celebrity for the past few decades. He’s even been a past political figure in previous... Read more
New Phishing Attack Steals Info Using Browser Autofill
Popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Opera and extensions such as LastPass, can be tricked into leaking private information using hidden text boxes, a Finnish developer has revealed. Autofill is great for those who spend a lot of time typing the same pieces of key personal data into websites, but... Read more