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Instagram Now On Windows Phone – Well, Kinda
How many Windows Phone users do you know for real? I think I’ve said this before, and I can count them on one hand. That’s not to say that Windows Phone may not have its merits, but one thing we know is that there is a good number of native... Read more
HOT Watch Turns Your Hand into a Phone
There’s a new smartwatch in town and this one is literally hot! The HOT Watch is a brand new gadget that finally allows you to live out one of your dreams as a kid: talking to your watch like James Bond. Developed by PH Technical Labs, the HOT Watch is... Read more
Touchscreen Germ Resistant Technology Is Close
Have you ever borrowed your friends phone? to check your email for instance or maybe they have showed you a picture on their handset and you have noticed the greasy film on the screen left there by your friends seemingly normal and clean face? which then made you feel quite... Read more
UK Government to Ban Google Glass for Drivers
Google‘s new smart, wearable glasses are set to join mobile phones on the driving blacklist.  The Department for Transport has taken action to ban drivers from using Google Glass, and even before Google’s smart eyewear launches to the general public. The government is concerned about the potential for distraction that could result... Read more
3.5GB of PlayStation 4 RAM Reserved for OS?
Almost half of Sony’s PlayStation 4 RAM memory will be reserved for the operating system, according to press reports. The gaming system will reserve 3.5GB of its 8GB RAM for the OS, which will leave 4.5GB available for games. A report on Digital Foundry also said initially that an extra... Read more
Biometric Finger Sensor for New iPhone
As you may have heard, there is the slim possibility of a new iPhone being released by those really nice people over at Apple.  Well, it appears as though some new evidence has emerged suggesting that Apple’s forthcoming iPhone will include a biometric fingerprint sensor (and we all hope it... Read more
What We Know About Google Motorola’s Moto X
There used to be a time when Motorola phones were all the rage. I remember saving up religiously to get my hands on the Razr, but those days seem like a dream now. Then Google upped the stakes. With the much talked about Moto X event to be held on... Read more
Logins & Email Addresses Stolen As Ubuntu Forums Hacked
Ubuntu Forums suffered a massive data breach on Saturday said Canonical,the company behind the Linux open-source based operating system. An announcement was posted on the main forum page confirming the breach and reassured users that their team were working to restore normal operations. The post said “every user’s local username,... Read more
Gmail Tabs: Ads That Look Like Emails
Google’s Gmail has a new layout and with it, a new and very confusing form of advertising.  Gmail Tabs were introduced by Google earlier this year and have been designed to automatically filter your electronic mail as it arrives into a number of predefined inboxes. The standard tabs are currently... Read more
Buffer & Echofon Partner Up to Make Your Life Easier
There are countless tools online that you can use to make your life easier, especially if you are a social media professional. Every pro has his own particular favorite, but for those who have interacted with me, it is no secret that I love Buffer. What started out as a... Read more
Sky Sports iPad App: Follow The Ashes
Sky Sports for iPad app has been updated with a new Ashes specific event centre.  Sky is to add further sportacular coverage to its iPad app with a new Ashes section so you can get the ultimate second-screen experience whilst watching this year’s cricket. This new app feature has just launched... Read more
Nokia 909 Image Leaked
Nokia has somehow managed to hang on to dear life, thanks to the high end phones that it has been churning out. While many of the people in my circle would never think about getting a Windows phone, there is still a market for such a device. And, if you’re... Read more
Nintendo Region Locking Policy Under Fire
Although the two other major players in the gaming market, Microsoft and Sony, have given up the idea of regional restrictions on their consoles, Nintendo is determined to maintain the policy in place. Nintendo region locking has been defended by the Japanese gaming giant’s officials despite fans outcry, online campaigns... Read more
Google to Shut Down Adult Blogger Sites
It looks like Google is doing some spring cleaning, although we’re in a totally different season now. Round about the time that people were gearing up to say their last goodbye to Google Reader, some bloggers using Blogger received an email to the effect that Google is going to shut... Read more
RIP Google Reader
Since Google announced in March that they would be shutting down the RSS reader, millions of users have been looking for alternative services, while web companies try to win Google’s reader orphans. Many are still angry with Google’s decision to close the service but in a blog post Google software... Read more
Is Instagram Video Going To Kill Vine?
So everyone who said that the Facebook event was going to be all about Instagram video was right. The “big idea” from a “small team” indeed turned out to be video sharing via what used to be a photo-only platform. And yes, the filters are there. Of course, this development... Read more
Edward Snowden Seeking Asylum in Ecuador With Help From Wikileaks
According to an announcement from the Hong Kong government, PRISM whistleblower Edward Snowden, has left Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government resisted pressures from the US to extradite Snowden, saying that “the documents provided by the US government did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law”.... Read more
EMBRACE+ Displays Color Coded Phone Alerts
Are you afraid you might miss an important call or message but you just hate having to keep your smartphone near you all the time? This wearable tech fashion item may be the very thing you need. The EMBRACE+ wristband provides visual notifications whenever something important is going on on... Read more