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Cross Platform Malware Increasing at Alarming Rate
As the advance of computer technology and its wide reaching applications continue to grow, unfortunately so do the threats.  The newest forms of malware have advanced and increased in adaptability and strengths; they attack without prejudice or warning and they have cross-platform power. The same strain of a particular malware... Read more
Facebook “No Posts” Bug Affecting Users
Facebook has had a ‘No posts to show’ bug, late last week, which the company were aware of but no fix was made available immediately, leaving users to wait and see until after the weekend for their solution.  The company did not give a reason for the error, which in... Read more
US Tech Firms Demand Surveillance Overhaul
Eight top technology firms in the US are calling for the surveillance laws in that country to be changed.  This comes after recent revelations regarding the USA’s National Security Agency’s data collection tactics. The National Security Agency is collecting Internet records of millions of people in the United States and... Read more
Pony Botnet Steals 2 Million Passwords
According to researchers at Spiderlabs, criminals have scooped up more than 2 million passwords for sites such as Facebook, Yahoo and search engine giant Google, but it appears that the data was stolen via malware-infected machines rather than a direct hack of their systems. Trustwave‘s SpiderLabs delved into source code... Read more
A Different Kind Of “Wearable Tech”
When you think of wearable tech, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a smartwatch or Google Glass, maybe even Sony’s SmartWig, those are the things I thought of anyway. But Microsoft researchers have really thought out of the box with their new design for a smart... Read more
Yahoo Acquires Start-Up SkyPhrase
Yahoo has announced that they have acquired natural language processing company SkyPhrase.  The acquisition appears to include not just include the technology but also the talent, as Yahoo has revealed in a blog post that it is “exited to welcome” the team of four from SkyPhrase. The SkyPhrase team have built an... Read more
Meet The New Nokia Music Service: Nokia Mix Radio
Music makes the world go round, and if you don’t believe that, just take a look at the countless music apps out there. Every brand has to have their own, and no wonder: people keep using them and spending money on them! I don’t know about you, but I can’t... Read more
SpaceX’s Failure To Launch
SpaceX had planned to launch its upgraded Falcon 9 rocket from Florida on Monday, taking a huge commercial satellite into space. However due to a technical problem just four minutes before ignition, the launch was cancelled and re-scheduled for three days later. This mission should have marked a number of... Read more
Instagram Finally Released On Windows Phone
Is it worth the wait? After all, it has been a long time coming but Instagram has finally released a native app for Windows Phone. The long suffering of you out there that use Windows phones (sorry I’m an iPhone man myself), will finally be able to share pictures in new and interesting... Read more
Snapchat Refuses Facebook’s $3 Billion Offer
Latest reports say that the owners of the ever so popular photo messaging service Snapchat, have refused an acquisition offer from the social media giant Facebook.  This offer would no doubt have turned Evan Spiegel and his colleagues into extremely wealthy people. According to the Wall Street Journal, which cited sources close to... Read more
Edward Snowden May Have Stolen 200,000 Documents
It seems the world has not seen or heard the last from Edward Snowden. Love him or hate him, Snowden is continuing to make national headlines even while he resides in Russia in a state of temporary asylum. Snowden, who was formerly contracted with the National Security Agency as a... Read more
Messaging App, Line Creates $100M Per Quarter But No IPO
Line is a messaging app that has grown in Japan over the past two and a half years and the company is now bringing in nearly $100 million in revenue per quarter.   The app said it brought in 9.9 billion yen ($99.9 million) in net sales for the third fiscal quarter this... Read more
7 Great Tricks You May Not Know About Yet
Earlier this year Microsoft replaced Hotmail and all accounts were transferred to Microsoft included a host of new features such as integration with SkyDrive and instant search. If you are still finding your way around, then take a look at seven of the features we picked out that you... Read more
Will Pebble’s New Update Make It More Appealing?
It has been no secret just how disappointed I was – am – with my Pebble, so much so that I am selling it to anyone who’ll take it. I have to admit, however, that I probably am just not the type to wear a smartwatch with limited capabilities. Sure, it’s... Read more
Digital Coffee? Starbucks Lets Users Tweet Coffee To Friends
I love coffee.  I mean, I LOVE it.  My wife calls me a coffee snob, but I don’t mind at all.  I like all sorts of flavours and all sorts of strengths.  I am the last person in the world to turn down a free cup of wonderful, hot, java... Read more
Meet Lenovo’s Product Engineer: Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher made some waves in the tech/geek scene when he was chosen to portray Steve Jobs in the movie Jobs. I don’t know what you think about the movie, and I can’t really give my opinion as I have not seen it myself, but judging by IMDB ratings, I... Read more
NSA Botched Update Caused Downtime Not DDOS
The US National Security Agency (NSA) has vehemently denied current circulating rumours that the extended downtime of its website on Friday was caused by a DDoS attack, blaming the error on a botched system update instead. Some rumours on the web have suggested that the downtime is the work of... Read more
Facebook Eases Up On Posting Restrictions For Teens
Yesterday, the world seemingly came to a standstill when Facebook went down for a little bit. Some people probably took advantage of the downtime to experience life offline. I honestly did not check Facebook during that time, so I did not experience it firsthand. One thing is for sure: the... Read more