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Top 5 Email Marketing Apps
Create successful campaigns. Attract, convert and retain loyal customers. Turn customers into loyal fans and brand ambassadors with personalised email campaigns and automated customer journeys. Email is perfect for keeping your brand top-of-mind and staying connected with those who make a purchase, read your blog or meet you in... Read more
Does Trump Gmail?
With the release of the new revamped Microsoft Hotmail as, we are truly lucky that both these technical giants keep challenging each other by releasing quality products in a bid to one up each other. Although sometimes these battles can produce frustrating products and situations for the consumers,... Read more
Is Better Than Gmail?
Microsoft has struggled against Gmail in the email sector for years, something Microsoft hopes to remedy with the release of, the company’s answer to its own aging service.  Launched with a beautifully crafted user interface looks more like a Google product than a Microsoft platform. The... Read more