FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

VirusTotal Lets Apple Fans Play With Fire In The Malware Sandpit
Google’s VirusTotal has begun running Mac apps in Sandpit environments to test for malware and malicious activity. The move has come not a moment too soon for many Apple users. Malware, and especially adware is at an all-time high. A report released in October by Bit9, claimed that more... Read more
Microsoft Launches Affordable Internet Fund For Underserved Markets
Microsoft has announced its launch of a new fund with the intention of helping startups and commercial companies to offer access to affordable Internet in “underserved markets.” Microsoft’s new Affordable Access Initiative will offer grants to commercial enterprises that that can prove demonstrable scalable solutions, which can facilitate access to... Read more
Google Offers TensorFlow As Open Source
It can be hard for companies with major-name brands behind them and shareholders to keep happy to put their money where their mouths are when it comes to open sourcing their content. But Google, a company with more revenue than some small companies, has the leverage to do just... Read more
Google To Merge Chrome And Android
There’s good news for Android mobile device fans: Google may reportedly be combining all the best features of the Android operating system with this things users enjoy about Chrome. This move, reported last week and alluded to at a recent conference, would give Google something it has yet to... Read more
Project Loon Sends Google Internet Balloons Around The World
According to Google’s official blog, the Internet giant has come to an arrangement with three of the biggest mobile operators in Indonesia, to bring Google’s balloon powered Internet to the next stage of development. The move will hopefully bring  the web within reach of 100 million Indonesians who currently... Read more
US Senate Passes Controversial CISA “Surveillance Bill.”
The day before the EU Parliament chose not to enshrine Net Neutrality into European legislation, the US Senate struck their own blow to internet freedom by voting through the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA, for short. That the vote has passed the Senate is even more surprising... Read more
YouTube To Launch YouTube Red Ad Free Subscription Service
YouTube, the Alphabet owned loss making video website has announced it is to launch an ad free subscription service calling it YouTube Red. While only available in the US to begin with, YouTube Red will cost subscribers $9.99 a month for the no adverts service. The new service is... Read more
Apple, Google, And Twitter Now Amongst 22 Tech Companies Opposing Cisa Bill
Twenty-two of the world’s top technology companies are firmly against the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (Cisa) due to soon go to a crucial vote on the floor of the US Senate, according to a new poll by internet activists Fight for the Future. A major critic of the legislation, Democratic... Read more
Google’s Software Suite Is Free To Win Over Office Fans
Google didn’t become as big as…well, Google… by doing anything small. The search engine giant and tech incubator has become the mainstay of industry-wide solutions in a lot of different areas by throwing caution to the wind and building on creativity. That intelligently reckless approach has served it well... Read more
Google Rewards Man Who Bought And Then He Gives It Away
Man who owned for one minute was given payout by Google techs for reporting the error Sanmay Ved then donated the full undisclosed amount to an India based charity …So Google doubled the amount Sanmay Ved, the man who became the proud owner of the domain for less... Read more
Google Buys Entire Alphabet
Google has bought the Alphabet. Well, it hasn’t really, but close enough. In the days that directly followed Google becoming a subsidiary of new parent company, Alphabet, and the unveiling of its new unique domain, it also turns out that Google/Alphabet also bought up another web domain on the... Read more
Ex Google Employee Owns For One Minute
A former Google employee by the name of Sanmay Ved managed to become the new owner of for the bargain basement price of just $12. On the 29th September, Mr Ved was idly browsing Google domains when he noticed that itself was available to buy. While Ved... Read more
Microsoft Sets Record Straight Over Privacy Fears.
Microsoft have released a blog post that responds directly to Windows 10 privacy concerns. In the blog post, released Monday, 28th September, Microsoft insists that users’ privacy is very important to them, stating that ‘trust,’ is the veritable core pillar of their vision for modern, personal computing. Indeed, the... Read more
North America Runs Out Of IPv4 Internet Addresses
Nostradamus* proven right! He said that one day  IPv4 would destroy the internet. 19th Century seer also predicted that ‘One will not be able to believe everything published on the Web.’**  N.America and Canada have run out of old school IPv4 net addresses. Its official, the internet is full.... Read more
Mozilla Releases Firefox for iOS Preview To Public
If You Live In New Zealand
Last Thursday, Mozilla released the first public preview of its brand spanking new version of its Firefox web browser for iOS. But don’t anybody go diving for the download button just yet
. While the Firefox browser has finally decided to make an appearance on iPads, iPhones, and iPods, unless... Read more
Google, Intel, Mozilla, Netflix, And Others Form Alliance For Open Media
Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla, Netflix, Amazon, and Cisco, have become day one members of the newly formed Alliance for Open Media. The Alliance (AOMedia) is an open source, not for profit project intent on creating ‘a new, open royalty-free video codec specification
with binding specifications for media formats
’ The overall... Read more
Google: Software, Browsers, and the Android Watch
There’s a reason Google is everywhere, and it’s not just a bottomless bank account and an endless talent pool of techxperts vying to work for them. Largely, the thing that has made Google so exhaustively far-reaching is its ability to look past proprietary boundaries and reach out to new... Read more
Alphabet Subsidiary, Google, Changes Logo
Google: A synopsis: In the beginning was the word, and the word was Google. Then God Google  said: “Let us remake the internet in our image, in our likeness, so it may rule over the search browsers of cyber space.” And Google saw what it had made, and it was... Read more