Thanks to everyone who voted for their favourite internet browser in our recent poll! The results were really interesting and we appreciated you telling us why you voted the way you did. After reading through all the comments it became very clear what is important to users when deciding on what browser to go for but more of that later – let’s get the results first.
So the pie chart below shows that the winner is without a doubt Firefox, which took 50% of the 2,205 votes made. Chrome was a little way behind with 33%, leaving Internet Explorer eating dust with just 5% of the votes.
We found the results very interesting, mainly because we felt they painted a clearer picture, rather than relying on statistics that are generated and calculated by other sources. Quite a few of you like the fact that Firefox is open sourced and commented on how the extensions were far superior.
Chrome on the other hand, although it came second, did receive criticisms for things like crashing often and a lot of you had serious misgivings about the trustworthiness of Google. In this day and age, no one likes to think they are being tracked and watched, especially since the NSA revelations.
When it comes to ‘other’, which made up 4% of the votes, you mentioned browsers like Comodo IceDragon and Maxthon. Comodo IceDragon is based on the same open source browser engine that runs Mozilla Firefox yet it was praised for having fewer crashes. Comodo Ice Dragon boasts of being very secure, so could be a great alternative if you decide to switch from Chrome. Another browser that you mentioned was Maxthon Cloud Browser. As well as fast, this browser has a very customizable tab and user interface.
Finally we have to mention the fact that Internet Explorer only received 5% of the 2,205 votes. Maybe it’s time for an overhaul on that one!