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Smart-phones. smart-watches, smart-cars. The use of ‘smart’ technology has reached all aspects of our lives. But, is it a good idea to use ‘smart’... US Dept of Defense Creates Smart Bullet

Smart-phones. smart-watches, smart-cars. The use of ‘smart’ technology has reached all aspects of our lives. But, is it a good idea to use ‘smart’ technology for warfare? The United States Department of Defense seems to think so. They have successfully tested a bullet, which is capable of changing direction once it has been fired. The technology used is under wraps, but we speculate that it uses fins that are built into the shell to direct it in the air and account for wind and the intended target moving from the original position.

The Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance weapon, also known as Exacto, has been constructed by American industrial company, Teledyne Technologies. The company is manufacturing the bullet  on behalf of the American government’s military research agency, Darpa.

The video made by the company shows the bullet being fired twice, deliberately off target. In the video the second time the bullet is fired, it changes course back in towards the target and hits it.

As previously mentioned, the firms that are involve have not disclosed any information on how the bullet actually works, but it is thought that it has small fins, which re-direct its path.

The bullet operates by a user shining a laser at the target and then firing the bullet. The bullet then follows the target mid-flight.

This will apparently put an end to the complicated adjustments, which snipers make to adjust for wind resistance, weather and the dip of the bullet as it travels through the air. Also any movement by the target must be taken into consideration. This could mean that snipers’ targets have the possibility of being hit from much further away.

[Image via foxnews]