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Whether you have long-distance family and friends to keep in touch with, conference calls to make or you just want to keep costs down,... The Best Free Skype Alternatives

Whether you have long-distance family and friends to keep in touch with, conference calls to make or you just want to keep costs down, Skype is often the go-to app for making free calls and sending messages but what if you don’t want to use Skype? Well we’ve put together a quick list of some Skype alternatives to help you find another messaging tool that suits your needs.

Google Hangouts

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Google Hangouts is like a combination of WhatsApp and Facebook Chat. Yet it has the added bonus of allowing you to block people, something which can't be done through WhatsApp. Due to the connection to your Gmail account (if you have one), it makes sharing things a lot easier.

Its speed and user friendly interface have earned it a spot in our Skype alternative list.

Not using Skype? Tell us what you are using instead in the comments below.