Chrome Remote Desktop has been a service from Google that has been around for a while now, in fact, it’s been knocking around for years. The service basically allowed users to gain access to a Mac or Windows computer from another computer or an Android device. Up until now Google decided to leave out iOS from the service.
On Monday of this week Google, showing a distinct lack of courtesy for Apple, released an iOS version of the Chrome Remote Desktop app in the Apple App Store. Now it’s very easy to access a computer from your mobile device wherever you have an Internet connection available.
All you need to do is make sure you have two things installed onto the computer you want to connect to; 1) Chrome. 2) you will need to install the desktop version of the Chrome Remote Desktop app from the Chrome Web Store.
As soon as you have those two items installed, simply launch the application on your desktop and follow the simple prompts to complete the setup process. If you want to watch a video walkthrough about this see here, but you really don’t need any technical expertise whatsoever to get it installed properly.
The only thing that you really need to remember about this setup is the PIN. It really is the most important aspect of the whole service.
Once you have the PIN and the app is installed on your computer, now you need to download the iOS app from the Apple App Store. Once its installed on your device, simply sign into the same Google account that you just used in Chrome and the computer should show up in the list. If you now tap onto the computer name, the app will launch a remote session. It is at this point that you will be prompted to enter your PIN. As soon as you have successfully entered it, you’ll gain complete access to your computer. Voila!
[Image via ntv]