FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

May 4 Tech news roundup: Arc Browser released for Windows, Netflix discontinues Basic plan, OneDrive gets an offline mode

A new desktop browser is available for Windows 11. Netflix is discontinuing its cheapest ad-free plan. Let’s find out what else happened in this week’s tech news roundup. Netflix asks Basic users to move to other plans Netflix has begun prompting users who are subscribed to its Basic plan to…

Adobe Acrobat Pro is the ultimate solution for increased productivity

Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Despite our many technological advances today, we still sit with situations where we open several apps for a task. You use one to compile a document, another one…

GOM Mix Max’s Big Launch

GOM & Company is releasing its newest video editing software, GOM Mix Max, with a big launch celebration. Focused on balancing high-quality and plentiful features, GOM Mix Max will be a powerful tool for new editors and veterans alike. Users who sign up now can get GOM Mix Max for free for…

Deep Instinct: Next Gen Antivirus You Never Have To Update?
Israeli start-up Deep Instinct has plans to launch an antivirus service that can detect malware and viruses by essentially teaching itself to spot nefarious code… Having an antivirus and malware solution on your computer is a really good idea if you want to keep your digital life safe and... Read more
AI Software Designed To Take A Better Selfie
Software and technology have done great things for society. There are robots that build cars, virtual-vision computers that let doctor perform microscopic remote surgery, self-driving vehicles that take the guesswork out of transportation, and more. But all of those advancements pale in comparison to the new AI-level software that... Read more
Google To Merge Chrome And Android
There’s good news for Android mobile device fans: Google may reportedly be combining all the best features of the Android operating system with this things users enjoy about Chrome. This move, reported last week and alluded to at a recent conference, would give Google something it has yet to... Read more
Tor Messenger Beta Released: A Truly Anonymous Chat Service?
Tor has released the beta version of its new Tor Messenger anonymous instant messaging tool in the hope that it will improve the security and anonymity of online messaging. Utilizing the existing Tor network, Tor Messenger will allow its users to openly have IM conversations without having to worry... Read more