FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Never Lose Again Your Digital Memories

Losing photos and precious videos is incomparably much more than just a technical inconvenience: it is an emotional loss of dear memories. Cherished captured moments from family gatherings, vacations, and personal milestones hold deep sentiment. It’s as if part of our past has been torn out when these things disappear….

How to Clean Up Your Computer or Laptop after the Holidays

Your laptop most probably carries more than just travel photos and memories from your holidays. Using it to stay in touch, watch movies, or navigate your way around an unknown location during your vacation adventures, it’s no surprise that digital clutter builds up. From downloading huge files and accessing unfamiliar…

Holiday Video Disasters: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

The arrival of summer is often accompanied by cameras ready to capture every special moment of our vacations. However, too often we discover upon returning home that those memories have various types of errors. From videos that won’t play to corrupt files that prevent us from reliving our experiences, it’s…

Liquid Metal Printer Allows Circuit Printing On Anything!
Technology buffs today come in all shapes and sizes, and varying degrees of enthusiasm. Wherever you may fall in that enthusiast spectrum, there is one thing everyone ought to be grateful for: electronic circuits. Practically every single electronic device we use today would not exist without electronic circuits; and... Read more
The Jawbone UP24 Might Be The Only Fitness Tracker You’ll Ever Want
I am sure that when fitness trackers started becoming popular, there were many who thought they were just a fad. It’s been a while now, though, and they’re still around. Nay, they’re not just “still” around. Fitness trackers continue to evolve and manufacturers continue to up the ante in order to own... Read more
Dual-Screen YotaPhone To Launch WorldWide In December
A little less than a year ago, I caught wind of an interesting concept called the YotaPhone. While I did call it the phone for (potentially) indecisive individuals, I cannot deny the allure of having two mobile phone screens to work with. After all, the mobile phone serves so... Read more
Firefox Phones Will Not Be Available In The US
Firefox fan? Resident of the United States? Sorry, but it’s not looking good for you if you’ve been waiting for Firefox phones to come to the country. Although Mozilla has previously stated that Firefox phones were going to be released in the US, the most recent developments point to... Read more
Twitter Expands into New 10,000-Square Foot Silicon Valley Office 
It hasn’t been more than two weeks since the Twitter IPO, but the microblogging company is not resting on its laurels. Not that it can, really, with its stock price going down (although it’s still not performing that badly). What Twitter is doing in Silicon Valley, though, is something... Read more
Microsoft Releases First Worldwide Telescope-Driven Planetarium
As kids, we all had dreams of what we wanted to be when we grow up. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think I’m not going out on a limb when I say that space and astronauts rank high up in that list of “what I want... Read more
Knock App Lets You Unlock Your Mac By Knocking On Your iPhone
I have a confession: I dislike putting passwords and passcodes on my devices. I find the extra step to be a hindrance, especially since I find myself having to unlock devices several times in an hour. It is a security measure, for sure, but I would rather have something... Read more
Verizon Announces Its Ellipsis 7 Tablet 
Verizon just joined the tablet wars by officially announcing its first 7-inch Android tablet, the Ellipsis 7. It’s not like we need another tablet to add to the already sometimes overwhelming set of choices, but there is always the thought of another manufacturer possibly bringing something new to the... Read more
Google Apps Doesn’t Support IE9 Anymore
We just heard about the update to Microsoft Web Apps, which gives it a fighting chance against Google and its online suite of tools. Now, from the other end, there is also a new development: Google Apps will no longer support Internet Explorer 9. Last week, the Google Apps... Read more
Will Pebble’s New Update Make It More Appealing?
It has been no secret just how disappointed I was – am – with my Pebble, so much so that I am selling it to anyone who’ll take it. I have to admit, however, that I probably am just not the type to wear a smartwatch with limited capabilities. Sure,... Read more
Microsoft’s Office Web Apps Challenges Google Docs With Real-Time Editing 
“A document is only as good as the people who contribute to it. So today, we’re introducing a new way for people to collaborate on documents with Office Web Apps.” (Amanda Lefebvre, Microsoft) That sounds promising, doesn’t it? For many of us, Microsoft Office has been the go-to tool... Read more
Twitter IPO Results In A Valuation Of $24 Billion
IPOs may involve some of the riskiest things in investing, but the Twitter IPO seems to be golden. While doubts about the initial $23 to $25 share price were flying all over the place a day before the Twitter IPO, a day of trading has shown things in a... Read more
The Nook GlowLight Will Make Readers Very Happy
Ebook readers have come a long way from being single-purpose devices that couldn’t hold a candle to the awesomeness that is the iPad. While e-ink still holds a certain hard-to-resist allure, ebook reader manufacturers have stepped up to the plate and now offer “real” screes. Still, e-ink is hard... Read more
The Twitter IPO For Investing Newbies
Twitter’s IPO is the hottest piece of news in the tech scene this week. Tomorrow, the microblogging slash social media platform is going to offer its stock to the public, which is inherently what an IPO is. Some of you may have a good bit of investing knowledge, but... Read more
Meet Lenovo’s Product Engineer: Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher made some waves in the tech/geek scene when he was chosen to portray Steve Jobs in the movie Jobs. I don’t know what you think about the movie, and I can’t really give my opinion as I have not seen it myself, but judging by IMDB ratings,... Read more
Sprint Promises 60Mbps LTE
How does 60Mbps LTE sound? I don’t know about you, but if a carrier can live up to that promise, I’d definitely be switching without a second thought! That’s what Sprint is promising: a whopping 60Mbps LTE connection called “Sprint Spark”. While everyone was probably caught up in Halloween... Read more
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids Available On November 10!
No matter how cliched the phrase is, we know that kids these days have it so good; so good that they have practically everything at their fingertips. The technology that we used to think of as futuristic back in the day is now available to them, and at reasonable... Read more
Livescribe 3 Pen Sends Handwritten Notes Straight To Your iPad
When I first saw an ad for Livescribe some years ago, I remember thinking just how good kids these days have it. Back in the day, we had to be creative to find out ways to jot down notes as fast as our professors in school spat out ideas.... Read more