FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Pew’s Global Attitudes Project
Stat nerds, listen up! If you have not yet heard, the Pew Research Center has released data about the habits of consumers on the Internet and the way they (we) use digital media. The Pew Research Center is a veritable veteran in this regard, with its annual studies looking at... Read more
Google Maps Crosses 10 Million Downloads on iOS6
Google sits pretty at the top of Apple’s download charts after its Maps app was downloaded like crazy by iOS users. The free app was made available to the users on December 13th and crossed the 10 million downloads mark within two days. Even when considering the fact that... Read more
Netflix-Backed Video Sharing Bill Passed By Senate
Many users may be shocked to learn that video streaming service Netflix has never shared a users video preferences via their Facebook feeds or Twitter accounts because of a law that was enacted in the 1980’s. That law, known as the 1988 Video Privacy Protection Act essentially made it... Read more
The Week’s Top 5 Trending Videos
This week’s top 5 trending videos feature an eclectic bunch. From a movie star singing Christmas carols on late night TV to the premiere of a new no-budget film to what the world searched for in 2012, this week’s lineup is diverse and gives you plenty of options to... Read more
Google and FTC Close to Resolving Probe
It has been two years since the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) started a probe into Google’s business practices. There had been numerous contentions and complaints regarding Google and its alleged strong hand tactics when it comes to business deals. The key point to take into consideration is Google’s dominance... Read more
Is Viber 2.3 a Worthy Skype Competitor?
Viber is the free mobile communication platform from the Israeli company.  The new version of the app, 2.3, includes additional features and works on both iPhone and Android devices and is called the “fun” app.  The question on everyone’s mind is if it is destined to be the next... Read more
Raspberry Pi Opens App Store
Raspberry Pi has opened up its new app store to allow people to share their own created software.  It will feature games, apps, and other tools for users to download. The system works as a tip jar where people pay what they think an app is worth.  For those... Read more
Top Tech Stories of 2012
The year’s top stories have been an interesting mix of innovation and legal representation.  Here is a look back at what the year has brought us. Microsoft Windows 8 A major departure from previous versions, the new Windows 8 created a big stir even before its release.  Once it... Read more
Facebook Video Ads Set For April 2013 Debut
In its ever increasing attempt to create new revenue streams Facebook is expected to launch a new video ad format in the first half of 2013. Ad reporting agency AdAge quotes several sources who claim that the social network has already created new video ads for internal testing purposes. According to... Read more
Famous Celebrity Hacker Gets 10 Year Prison Sentence
Operation Hackerazzi finally came to an end when notorious hacker Christopher Chaney was handed a 10-year prison sentence by a US District Judge. Chaney became famous after he was found to be the man behind hacks on the private email accounts of ‘dozens’ of celebrities and posting them online.... Read more
Broadband Bandwidth Data Caps Aim To Rip Off Customers
Bandwidth data capping is an unnecessary practice used by some ISPs to pad their own profits, that’s the message delivered in a new paper published by the New America Foundation. The think tank suggests that ISP policies are used for nothing more than increasing profits out of thin air.... Read more
Twitter And Nielsen Ratings Team Up
Nielsen Ratings are still considered a crucial television ratings tool for advertisers, yet the program still relies on antiquated sampling numbers to produce its results. Twitter on the other hand is heavily semantic, providing second-by-second updates to its users. Now the two company’s have announced a new TV rating... Read more
Yahoo! Mail Gets a New Look
While it may not be the first thing you think of when you consider email accounts, new Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer just mght change that with the new look.  Email account holders will notice a different design that is fresher and easier to navigate.  And if it’s been awhile... Read more
Apple Attempting To Purchase Foursquare Location Data
Apple is rumored to be in talks with location based services provider Foursquare, negotiations that could allow the tech giant to purchase locations based check-in data from Foursquare Labs. If the purchase is successful Apple will gain access to valuable data which could be applied to various apps in... Read more
Time To Say Goodbye to
Internet-based radio services first came into existence in the early to mid 1990s. Since then, there has been a proliferation of Internet radio, some free, some for a fee. Hand in hand with Internet radio, services such as have also risen in popularity. has become a much... Read more
Cisco to Sell Linksys: A New Strategy
It has been reported that Cisco is going to be selling off Linksys, a company that makes home networking equipment such as routers and wireless access points. Cisco bought Linksys back in 2003 for $500 million. This division has since focused on consumer products even though Cisco has mainly... Read more
Facebook Updates Privacy Settings Once Again
Facebook has made new changes to its privacy settings to give users more control over who can contact them and see their information. Along with that, it has taken away some features that people may miss.   Privacy Shortcuts This new feature is a big change in control and... Read more
Instagram Alters Terms to Share Data With Facebook
Instagram on Monday morning announced changes to its Terms of Service (TOS) and Privacy Policy. Starting on January 16 Instagram will begin sharing private user data with Facebook. In an official Instagram blog the company explained that the move will allow both company’s to more effectively fight spam and... Read more