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Steam Removes School Shooting Video Game
Russian-developed intense shooter game removed from Steam following online petition and social media outrage. Never overlook the power of consumers to spark outrage and enact change. Recently, actress Roseanne Barr’s reboot of her original self-titled television show was cancelled by its network, ABC, due to racist remarks the actress shared... Read more
Trademark Bullying: Attempts At “Owning” A Word
UK game developer’s battle with author over book title.  The internet and piracy have frustrated many great content creators and developers, so it’s slightly understandable that when someone sees an open door to take back some measure of control–and money–they might pounce on the opportunity. Unfortunately, those efforts can lead... Read more
Removal of Comments from FileHippo News
We’re switching off comments on We are currently working hard to improve our site and the FileHippo user experience. Consequently, we’ve decided to switch off the comments feature on our news stories and main site. This will help to streamline our pages, encouraging faster loading times and better usability.... Read more
Facebook Faces Summons In UK
Mark Zuckerberg faces formal summons from UK MPs. It’s been a tough year or so for Facebook. From allegations of supporting (if not outright colluding with) foreign interests who may have swayed the presidential election with political ads to accusations that user data was harvested, sold, and allowed to be... Read more
Iran Central Bank Bans Banks From Cryptocurrency Dealings
The central bank of Iran has banned domestic banks and other financial institutions from dealing in cryptocurrencies, claiming that the digital currency is being used for money-laundering, and also in an attempt to halt an emerging currency crisis. The Iranian State News Agency, IRNA, reported the news two weeks ago,... Read more
Apple Offers Another Battery Replacement
Apple Watch warranty now extended to cover battery replacement – on some models, at least. No matter how great a product is, nothing is completely infallible; that’s when a great warranty and great customer service come in to smooth the hurt that a defective, expensive gadget causes. Apple came under... Read more
Weibo Reverses Gay ‘Clean-Up’ Ban After Online Public Backlash
Popular Chinese social media platform had targeted content that it deemed ‘illegal’ including ‘videos with pornographic implications, promoting violence or (related to) homosexuality’. Sina Weibo, one of China’s most popular social media sites, stated that the new guidelines were solely put in place to “create a bright and harmonious community environment”.... Read more
Delivery Drones Are On Their Way… Again
Zipline’s delivery drones may be fastest and most capable in the world. In 1993, the state of Alabama was hit by a winter superstorm. Called on its Wikipedia page “the storm of the century,” the infamous Blizzard of ’93 as it’s called was essentially a hurricane that dropped snow and... Read more
Google Says No To Cryptomining Add Ons
End announced to all cryptocurrency mining extensions in Chrome Web Store. Google has announced an end to all cryptomining extensions in its Chrome Web Store after a slew of other extensions were discovered to have cryptomining capabilities. The issue, which stems from the company’s extensions function policy, allowed developers to... Read more
Zuckerberg Testifies Before US Congress
Showdown over Facebook accountability following Cambridge Analytica scandal.  It’s an understatement to say that Mark Zuckerberg is going through a bit of a rough patch. His company has been called out on the worldwide stage for multiple privacy violations and data breaches, secret projects involving users’ medical records have come to... Read more
Tinder Brings Pizazz To Profiles With Loops Video
New two-second videos offer GIF-like feature for dating app. Online dating has gone from a “path of last resort” for desperate singles looking to cast a broader net to becoming the go-to way to meet like-minded and romantically interested people. It’s a multi-billion dollar a year industry with fierce competition–and... Read more
Bringing Medical Tech To The Streets
Trial sees health checks in local barbers. Non-traditional medicine is making waves for upending an unnecessarily expensive industry, one that can feel like a case of  “the treatment is worse than the disease”. High costs of treatment and insurmountable prescription costs, coupled with hours of missed time off of work... Read more
Uber Calls Off Self-Driving Tests After Death
Pedestrian hit and killed by autonomous vehicle in Tempe, Arizona. In the race to get self-driving vehicles and autonomous ride hailing service installed, are companies taking a little too much liberty with their efforts? It may appear so, according to reports that a 49-year-old Arizona woman has died from her... Read more
Study Finds Fake News Travels Faster Than The Truth
Massachusetts Institute of Technology research studied 126,000 fake Twitter ‘stories’.  A famous quote often attributed to Mark Twain is the one that goes “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes”. Twain apparently wrote that in 1919. His death almost a decade... Read more
Something Funny, Alexa? Amazon Says No.
Spooky spontaneous laugh freaks out Alexa users. Terminator-style self-awareness jokes have abounded on the internet this week thanks to a glitch with Amazon’s Alexa home virtual assistant device. According to multiple users, their Alexas have begun randomly laughing maniacally, without provocation or request. To fight back against what has to... Read more
Brave Launches Million Dollar Referral Program
Brave Software, the company behind the Brave Browser, has announced that it’s launching up to a million dollar referral program designed to reward online publishers and YouTube Creators. Brave is using the promotion in the hopes it will speed up adoption of the Brave Browser and grow its users base... Read more
US Says NotPetya Is Russian Handiwork
Frank admission from White House on source of ransomware attack… Finally. In a shocking turn of events, the White House has formally acknowledged Russia’s role in the NotPetya malware attack that was responsible for astronomical financial and service losses. The very short and to-the-point statement issued seven months after the... Read more
Logan Paul Won’t Be Banned From YouTube
The controversial YouTube ‘star’ Logan Paul hasn’t done enough yet to deserve to be banned from YouTube, the video sharing site’s Chief Executive Officer has said. Logan Paul has been severely criticized in recent months for the content shown in videos he has created and shared on the site, but... Read more