At the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona, Nokia has unveiled a family of Android handsets. Named the X, X+ and XL, these phones will range in price from 89 Euros to 109 Euros. The more basic of the three models, the X, will have a 4-inch screen, 512MB of... Read more
US Military To Replace Blackberry With iOS Devices
Mobile February 26, 2014
This just in. Even the US AirForce is turning to the dark side (or light side, depending on your point of view). They are replacing all BlackBerrys with iOS or other approved android mobile devices. Considering BlackBerry is supposed to be one of the most secure devices you can... Read more
According to MobileBloom, a leaked memo has been identified, stating that all Android smartphones will have to run KitKat or else Google will not endorse the handset. The Android memo is the first sign that Google is finally sorting the problem it has with fragmentation. Because Google offers hundreds of phones to... Read more
In this day and age we are all becoming increasingly reliant on our smart devices but just like every other consumer product, they are prone to breaking. Just recently we showed you how it is possible to save your mobile phone from water damage but what happens if you... Read more
Fuel: Portable Android Charger
News February 19, 2014
You know how it is, it’s about 6PM and you’ve been on the go since your smartphone alarm woke you up at 6AM. You have mountains of emails that you just didn’t get through on your commute to the office and you had to finish them whilst grabbing your... Read more
After the extremely popular app, Flappy Bird, was officially removed from official app stores, the game sprang up online in various places and has provoked a variety of different clones. But, sadly, along with the copies of Flappy Bird being provided ,there are malware-injected version which have also been discovered. These rogue... Read more
Technological innovation happens at the speed of light these days. That means it can be very difficult to keep up with the newest gadgets on the market, and confusing to figure out which are the “must-haves” among the thousands available. This list of 6 must have gadgets for 2014... Read more
The vastly popular mobile game, Flappy Bird, has taken off in recent weeks. Yet despite the success of the game, which is available on both iOS and Android, the creator has decided to take Flappy Bird offline. In a tweet that was posted on Saturday, Dong Nguyen said that... Read more
Google has said it will not allow porn on its Chromecast. As well as releasing the Chromecast SDK, the company also issued the Terms of Service that developers are obliged to adhere to if they want their apps to be used on Chromecast. One condition of the terms is... Read more
Control Your Garage Door With Open-Me App
Mobile January 8, 2014
Don’t you just hate that feeling you get when you can’t remember if you left the garage door open? And if you can’t remember that thought will just keep bouncing around in your head until you can actually verify whether your door is in fact open or shut. It’s... Read more
Google Wants To Put Android In Audi Cars
Internet January 1, 2014
As we all know, Google always has some big plan or other. The latest news suggests that Google is planning to have Android installed in cars, starting with Audi. According to The Wall Street Journal, the company will announce a joint venture with Audi next week at CES 2014.... Read more
LG Pocket Photo2 Announced
Internet December 28, 2013
Lots of people may not have known that LG had a Pocket Photo Printer; in fact you may be one of those people. I like to think I m not too far behind things when it comes to the latest tech, but I hate to admit it, I had... Read more
Make Your Smartphone Smarter With Agent
InternetMobileNewsSoftware Reviews December 16, 2013
I love my smartphone, but I’ll be the first to admit that for a smartphone, it can sometimes be rather dumb. For example, when my battery is on the fritz, the phone will exert an endless amount of energy telling me that it’s about to die. It will beep,... Read more
Smart & Sexy Sounds With the DB60 Bluetooth Speaker
Software Reviews December 13, 2013
Kickstarter projects are all over the place at the moment. But, none comes close to sheer design cool than the db60 speaker system. It is a powerful, active speaker for iPhone & Android phones. It comes from an exclusive Danish design team and provides superior sound quality. The db60... Read more
Android’s Andy Rubin Shares Google’s Secret Robot Plan
Internet December 9, 2013
The New York Times has reported that Android founder Andy Rubin will indeed be pursuing his lifelong love of robots. Since leaving the mobile operating system behind, rumours have suggested that Rubin would spend his time working on actual androids. It has been revealed, apparently by Rubin himself, that... Read more
The US Patents Office has issued Apple with a patent for a system that uses facial recognition and detection on a mobile or desktop. This system could be used in a number of ways. It would enhance security by protecting data on an iPhone that is in a locked... Read more