FileHippo News

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Who’s Responsible For Tech Privacy?
Somehow, we’ve made it all the way to 2018 without really understanding that tech companies may or may not have our best interests at heart, specifically when it comes to privacy. This is the year that all heck broke loose for Facebook, for example, who has suffered privacy blunders... Read more
Alternative Messaging Platforms for a Post-Cambridge Analytica World
3 free alternatives to Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp that take privacy seriously. Matters of data privacy and consent to the use of personal information on messaging and social media platforms have been very much in the news, lately, following the involvement of Facebook in the scandal with Cambridge Analytica.... Read more
Staying Private In A Post-Cambridge Analytica World
A guide to apps, data settings and how to keep your data private.  Whether you are looking to download software or are concerned about how your online activity is gathered and analysed, the need to stay private when using the internet has been brought into sharp focus in recent... Read more
Cambridge Analytica Closes Doors After Facebook Data Harvesting Scandal
The data gathering firm at the epicenter of Facebook privacy row has closed its offices and started insolvency proceedings. Cambridge Analytica, has announced in a statement it is closing its business down after fighting months of accusations that it improperly obtained the personal information of thousands of Facebook users... Read more
Cambridge Researcher May Sue Facebook Over Data Breach Allegations
Aleksandr Kogan considers his position in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The recent Facebook data breach–which Facebook has taken great pains to point out was not a typical data breach–has metaphorically opened a lot of people’s eyes to how their data is gathered, stored, and used by... Read more