Turn Your iPhone Into A Digital Microscope For $10
Mobile November 9, 2013
How much does your average microscope cost? $45, $65, $165? Even if you purchased it from an online retailer such as Amazon, the cost of becoming a budding scientist these days is not cheap. That is why when someone comes up with a really cheap way of constructing something... Read more
DO-RA Radiation Meter For iPhone
Mobile August 23, 2013
The use of smartphone extension hardware is not a new idea, the device plugs into the headphone jack or the USB interface on your phone and extends the phone’s use by feeding data it is designed to gather back to an app. I don’t think, however, that I have... Read more
Scientists Grow Human Heart Capable of Beating Autonomously
News August 21, 2013
According to Nature Communications a team of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, in the USA, has successfully grown human heart tissue capable of beating autonomously. For anyone suffering from a cardiovascular disease, or similar heart problems, this is interesting news that could one day bring the research into transplantable replacement... Read more
Harvard Researchers Develop Self-Cooling Windows
News August 7, 2013
Have you ever been inside a building with impressive architecture and witnessed the clear, bright sunlight streaming through the windows early in the morning? If you return to the same spot a few hours later, maybe when the sun is at its zenith, then the mood has drastically changed... Read more