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Have firearms’ companies taken technology too far?  All technology can be used for the greater good or for the greater evil.  Google Glass is... Smart Rifle Paired With Google Glass

Have firearms’ companies taken technology too far?  All technology can be used for the greater good or for the greater evil.  Google Glass is just one of the latest in wearable technology that is on offer to the public.

A Gun company has recently paired up a gun with Google glass.  The pairing allows the user to aim around corners.  The information is then presented via a video stream linked directly with a camera which is fitted to the firearm. Now firearm enthusiasts can aim at targets they can’t even see!  They don’t need a clear view to pick off enemies around the corner.

glass connected to firearms

The display on the Google Glass will be able to display complex details like compass direction, zoom settings the angle of the shot, and battery life.   All of which, will help the gunman take  a more precise and accurate shot.  Not surprising, the PGF (precision-guided firearm) has been designed and developed by TrackingPoint, a company in Texas (one of the most gun-loving states in the U.S.).

A press release was issued by TrackingPoint, who stated: “When paired with wearable technology, PGFs can provide unprecedented benefits to shooters, such as the ability to shoot around corners, from behind low walls, and from other positions that provide exceptional cover.  Without PGF technology, such positions would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to fire from.”  This complicated but precise system is not available to consumers yet (thankfully) but it was made with development purposes in mind.

Gun control has always been a bone of contention with people, especially in the United States.  Could this be the next big thing in the ‘right to bare arms’ issue?  What are your thoughts on this?  Please feel free to leave a sensible comment below.

[image via thedailybeast]