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If you have ever wanted to look at a website with someone that isn’t in the same place as you, there is now an... Click With Me Now: Screen Sharing Made Easy

If you have ever wanted to look at a website with someone that isn’t in the same place as you, there is now an easy solution.  A new service called Click With Me Now lets you share a web session with someone else.  If you are trying to explain how to use a website to a family member or even shopping online with someone, it can be very difficult to do without sitting in front of the same screen.  Click With Me Now offers users the experience of social shopping without being physically in the same room. While there are already other tools on the market that allow people to do the same thing, Click With Me Now is a simple and easy solution for everyday consumers.

Click With Me Now: Screen Sharing Made Easy

Other similar services currently available generally require heavy downloads.  They are also designed for business collaboration, rather than for an everyday user.  Moreover, those other services are typically much more costly.  Click With Me now offers users a convenient one-click solution and doesn’t require a download.

Click With Me Now is geared toward helping the everyday consumer by increasing access to information, products and services. They are accomplishing this by working with websites that provide those things to consumers.  Click With Me Now is currently targeting websites that sell important but infrequently purchased products as well as products that lend themselves to a more social shopping experience. Websites include fashion, real estate, electronics vendors, financial services, travel services and insurance.

The company was conceptualized in the summer of 2011 by co-founders Mark Comiso, Mike Behr and Brian Handrigan.  It is a 2013 SXSW Interactive Accelerator finalist. Click With Me Now has received funding from Capital Innovators as well as angel investors. If you are excited to start using the service, you can try it out later this year.  The company plans to release Click With Me Now to the public in the second quarter of 2013.

[Image via mashable]