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With all the media attention – hourly, if you’ve been following along for any amount of time – focused on the PEOTUS right now,... Trump Games Taking Over App Stores

With all the media attention – hourly, if you’ve been following along for any amount of time – focused on the PEOTUS right now, it’s easy to forget that he’s already been something of a celebrity for the past few decades. He’s even been a past political figure in previous election cycles, which helps explain the fact that game developers and app creators have focused on The Donald for quite some time.


Two games in particular have been in the various app marketplaces for some time now, but are seeing a resurgence in purchases thanks to the newfound attention. E-Solutions’ Tetris-like “Great Wall of Trump” has been out since last summer, but was banned by both Apple and Google until sometime last September. It took multiple appeals from the developer to get the game out from under the restriction due to the perception that it violated their community standards.

Another game, “Trump’s Wall,” stems from the real estate magnate’s constant building projects, and pits the player in a race against the clock. The goal is to get the wall built in order to keep the ducks from pooping all over the property, but it’s not hard to decipher the metaphor in that one. There’s even a windmill in the background for good measure.

Of course, there are a number of other Trump-themed games, like the car racing games Trump vs Hillary and Race to the Whitehouse, and even casino-style slots games featuring the hot ticket marketing name of Donald Trump. It begs the question: will we see a Martin Shkreli stalker game next? A Cabinet-appointee game in which you have to work your way through Congressional hearings in order to win the position? A mainstream media random headline generator app?

While some might point to the intended disrespect the developers are demonstrating with their apps, there’s actually an argument in favor of these games. The running theme of the last election cycle – worldwide, not just where the US elections are concerned – is that the entire process is outdated and doesn’t speak to Millenials and younger. Perhaps reaching them where they live will have a greater impact down the road.

Here at FileHippo we don’t do Trump games – but we do do the best new software, updated daily. Check it out now!