FileHippo News

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Top 5 Alternative PDF Converters And Readers
There’s more to Portable Document Format manipulation than Adobe Acrobat. There’s no getting away from it, Adobe Acrobat is a very good piece of software. But it’s far from the only kid on the block. There are some great alternative PDF converters and readers available, that can be had... Read more
Which Cloud Storage Provider is the Best?
Virtual storage has been revolutionized by the development of online cloud services. The popularity of the cloud has spurred several versions that make it challenging to discern the best cloud network. With all this talk going on, it can be hard to actually pick a cloud service to use.... Read more
Is OneNote Superior to Evernote?
The general perception about the Google and Microsoft rivalry is that Google trumps Microsoft in all areas bar PCs. The two tech giants compete in almost every market related to computer and mobile devices. However, there is one more area where Microsoft holds the edge: information gathering. OneNote seems... Read more
Best for Businesses: Google Apps or Microsoft Office?
Microsoft Office has been the popular long-standing choice for businesses that want an all-in-one software product.  However, Google Apps may be gaining ground on the company’s main audience. Microsoft has often focused on the business consumer rather than the individual.  Their Office package is seen in many companies as... Read more
The Best Fully Managed Cloud Hosting Services
With its ability to scale for virtually any amount of traffic, the east of use offered and reliable pricing that won’t break the bank cloud hosting has become one of the better options for small, medium and large scale businesses. Whether you need to host one or 100 websites... Read more
The Best Cloud Based Office Tools
The cloud has made it possible for a massive amount of users to collaborate on projects by simply logging onto the internet and access shared files. As cloud computing becomes more prevalent numerous products have begun to enter the market. If you plan to access the web and share... Read more
The 5 Best Cloud Storage Apps
Cloud storage has made our lives so much easier, doing away with many of the issues related to backing up important files and sharing data. The need for physical storage devices, which highlight issues such as space, cost, and portability, is practically a non-issue for the average user, thanks... Read more