Everyone’s favorite city-building simulator, SimCity, will hit the Mac platform on June 11. Developer Electronic Arts (EA) announced that the Mac version will be available exclusively as a digital release and that the popular game will from now on support cross-platform play. The Mac version will cost $60 and... Read more
Ever since the 2010 release of award-winning game Heavy Rain, it has become clear that developers Quantic Dream are looking at turning video games into a unique form of art. And with their much anticipated new release, Beyond: Two Souls, it seems they are one step closer to succeeding.... Read more
The Elder Scrolls Online is the first foray into the world of massively multiplayer role-playing games for Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls franchise, due to be released later this year after six years in development. The game is the first for developers ZeniMax Online Studios and is currently in the stage... Read more
Hardcore gaming fans who like virtually insurmountable challenges will be happy to know that Dark Souls 2, the much anticipated follow-up to Dark Souls, will be at least just as tough as its predecessor. This became clear when Japanese developers From Software released a 12-minute demo video revealing the... Read more
The world of console gaming is eagerly awaiting the release of Microsoft’s next generation Xbox, expected to be announced next month. But the latest reports are likely to make the waiting even harder: the Xbox 360 successor may feature a stronger integration with your TV and cable box. Xbox... Read more
Washington D.C.’s Children’s National Medical Center began using video games to help treat pain in young patients last week. These specially designed video games combine Microsoft’s Kinect technology with game activities that assists the child’s physical therapy while keeping their mind off the pain. The games also help doctors... Read more
Kodu is a kid friendly software that gives young children the power to design video games with an easy to use, visual programming language. Educational tools that teach programming skills to children are now becoming more popular and increasingly more valuable, giving the younger generation a head start in... Read more
With the price and availability of today’s tablets and smartphones, it is a must for most everyone that is constantly on the go. With a seemingly endless variety of applications there is a convergence of information, communication and gaming all in one handheld device. Projected sales for handheld game... Read more
Story War is a storytelling card game that encourages computergeeks to turn of their computers and interact with each other in real life. The game has been drawing a lot of attention on it’s Kickstarter campaign page. The original goal of the campaign was to raise $20,000. By the... Read more
The Kinect motion technology has been around for a while. Users can wave their hands to operate the Kinect devices, which has made it a great option for games like Xbox 360 to deploy. Microsoft, though, have gone one step further by working to make the technology read and... Read more
EA servers threw a fit when the company brought SimCity online. That hiccup angered millions of fans who had purchased the popular game but were unable to play. The new SimCity requires users to log into an EA server at which time their games data is saved for later... Read more
The latest instalment of popular city-building computer game SimCity has not been the smoothest – following server crashes and angry, locked out players. Following its launch in North America on March 5, servers for the video game, which has a new added ‘online’ element, filled up in a matter... Read more
The latest version of God of War is now available for pre-order and is expected to reach retail shelves on March 12th. God of War: Ascension, created by Santa Monica’s Studios and Sony Computer Entertainment, will be available exclusively on PS3 and PS Vita. The Game Intro Ascension serves... Read more