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When Microsoft held its Windows 10 event last week at its headquarters in Washington, no one was expecting a new futuristic wearable device. The... Everything You Need To Know About HoloLens

When Microsoft held its Windows 10 event last week at its headquarters in Washington, no one was expecting a new futuristic wearable device. The tech company astounded everyone with the announcement about HoloLens, Microsoft’s sleek-looking headset, complete with transparent lenses. It really does look like something straight out of a science fiction film but what does it actually do and is it something that is going to used by the masses? Microsoft clearly thinks so and sees a future where people are able to see interactive, 3D images on top of what they already see in everyday, real life situations. Here’s your quick guide to HoloLens and everything it has to offer.

Why Is It Different?

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When you first see HoloLens, it may remind you of Oculus Rift but the two devices couldn't be more different. The idea behind Oculus Rift is to transport you to another place, tricking your brain into believing that you are actually there. Microsoft on the other hand wants you to still experience reality, just with some rather cool enhancements!