Litelok: Lightweight Bicycle Security
Privacy and Security March 26, 2015 Scott Lee

One of the really annoying things about cycling, is the fact that you have to carry a heavy duty lock about with you. If you don’t (sometimes even if you do) you will no doubt have your ride stolen. It is a sad and kind of ironic situation; you spend a fortune on a lightweight bike, but then purchase a heavy duty lock that will inevitably nullify any of the weight loss you may have gained in purchasing a specialised lightweight frame!
It is a shame that a light cable lock can easily be removed with a set of bolt cutters. What cyclists need is a lightweight and heavy duty lock that is sturdy and not unwieldy. Thanks to a former aeronautical engineer, Prof. Neil Barron we may have the chance to ride around, weight free and secure. Barron has created Litelok. The device is light and flexible, just the same as a cable style lock, but apparently will stand up to over five minutes of attempted access from various tools such as hack saws, bolt cutters and jacks.
The secret of the sturdiness of the Litelok’s strap is that it is made up from a composite material called Boaflexicore. The steel inline locking mechanism that is also part of the litelok, was developed by UK manufacturer Henry Squire and Sons Ltd. The locking mechanism shuts without the need for a key.
The great thing about the Litelok is the whole device weighs less than 1 kg (2.2 lb). Compare that to the Kryptonite Evolution U-lock, which weighs in at 1.7 kg (3.75 lb).
There are a couple of straps that are included to carry the Litelok on your bike. It works as a strap-equipped pouch. The Litelok is currently raising production funds on Kickstarter. If you want to pledge £70 to try and get this design off the ground, then why not head over to the campaign page and take a look?
[Image via gearjunkie]
SOURCE: Gizmag