FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

The Ultimate Guide to Repairing Corrupt PST Files

PST files, or Personal Storage Table files, are file formats used by Microsoft Outlook to store local copies of users’ email messages, calendars, events, and other items. PSTs are designed to allow us to manage our emails offline, without being connected to our POP3 server, and let the system upload…

July 6 Tech news roundup: Netflix is discontinuing its Basic Ad-free plan, Authy suffers another security breach, Google Translate supports 110 new languages

Microsoft’s Weather app is displaying more ads Microsoft has made a server-side update to its Weather app. The desktop app, which is pre-installed in Windows 11, now displays multiple advertisements. This is not the first time that the Redmond company has made such a change, it did something similar last…

Adobe Acrobat Pro is the ultimate solution for increased productivity

Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Despite our many technological advances today, we still sit with situations where we open several apps for a task. You use one to compile a document, another one…

Three Of The Best Business Antivirus Software Applications
Protect your business from malware and minimise risk with these great business antivirus apps.  For businesses in the digital economy, network security is largely about endpoints – the devices, programs, and processes at the enterprise’s perimeter, where the corporate network meets the public internet and the world at large.... Read more
Four Of The Best Free Utility And Tuning Apps You Should Download Today
Keeping your computer running smoothly can feel like a struggle. However, these free PC cleaning, defragmentation and utility applications make life so much simpler. Keeping an eye on the performance of your computer can help you make sure it keeps running at its best. Thankfully, there are a whole... Read more
How Secure Is Your Device? Five Most Common Password Fails Revealed
Think your easy to remember password’s secure enough? Think again! We live in an age where we need to be more careful than ever of people with nefarious intentions accessing our accounts on the various platforms and websites we use. Applications such as free password software can keep you... Read more
Staying Private In A Post-Cambridge Analytica World
A guide to apps, data settings and how to keep your data private.  Whether you are looking to download software or are concerned about how your online activity is gathered and analysed, the need to stay private when using the internet has been brought into sharp focus in recent... Read more
Removal of Comments from FileHippo News
We’re switching off comments on We are currently working hard to improve our site and the FileHippo user experience. Consequently, we’ve decided to switch off the comments feature on our news stories and main site. This will help to streamline our pages, encouraging faster loading times and better... Read more
Torrent Downloads: How To Stay On The Right Side Of The Law
Help clear up the confusion around torrent download software legality with our informative guide. When it comes to downloading information from the internet, it’s normally very clear whether what you are doing is legal or illegal. However, when it comes to file sharing via a torrent download, peer-to-peer (P2P)... Read more
Four Great Alternatives To Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is the most popular suite of productivity tools in the world, but it’s not the only player in the game. Check out our awesome free office software alternatives. It’s fair to say, when it comes to productivity tools, the term is synonymous with the suite of software... Read more
Photo Editing Tips To Make Your Images Pop
Quicks ways to improve your digital images using photo editing apps. With a little image editing, an otherwise underwhelming digital photo can be elevated into something truly striking. However, whether you use Photoshop or one of the dozens of free photo editing apps available, navigating picture editing for the... Read more
Downloads Rule, But Is Physical Media Really Dead?
The ability to download software and other media has undoubtedly changed the way those products are consumed. But are the days of physical media really over for good? Almost every type of media we humans enjoy consuming has now been digitised and are available – either for free or... Read more
Six Of The Best MP3 Converters You Can Download for Free
There’s a huge range of free MP3 converter software available for download. Here’s our take on six of the very best. Keeping up with various file extension types can be a headache. However, with MP3 converter software you can do your best to make sure your media is always... Read more
Why Illegal Downloads Aren’t Worth It In The Long Run
It’s never been easier to access free media online. However, if you download free software from illegitimate sources, it may not be worth it in the long run. Illegal downloads have proliferated since the internet moved from dial-up to higher speed broadband. However, if you download free software or... Read more
Is Google Chrome The Be All And End All Of Web Browsers?
It may be the most popular, but is Google Chrome really the best web browser out there? Here are some thoughts, stats, and comparisons for you to chew over. Google Chrome remains by far and away the most-used web browser, accounting for well over half of all web traffic,... Read more
5 Great Tech Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day
Sweets may be for sweets, but it’s gadgets for us geeks! February 14th is upon us, so check out these inspired tech gifts for Valentine’s Day. Tech gifts for Valentine’s Day? Absolutely! Forget flowers and chocolates – this year, why not surprise your one and only with a gift... Read more
Uber v Google: Self-Drive Tech Clash Goes Legal
Two of the biggest names in autonomous vehicle tech go head-to-head in court in San Franciso. Ride-hailing firm Uber is being sued by Waymo, the self-driving company spun out of Google. At the heart of the case is the accusation that Uber stole ‘trade secrets’ relating to Lidar (light... Read more
Dodgy Downloads – What to Look Out For
Protect yourself from dubious downloads with our handy guide to staying safe online.  The internet’s great, isn’t it? Infinite variety and everything you want is just a click away – what’s not to love?! Well, as many of us have experience first hand, sadly all that glitters is not... Read more
MAC vs PC – Which Is Right For You?
Each camp provokes fierce loyalty and arguements in equal measure. We weigh up the pros and cons of each to help you decide which tribe you are. It’s a debate that’s been raging for years. But the answer to which is better out of Apple’s Mac computers or Microsoft’s... Read more
A Beginner’s Guide To Malware, Viruses, And Spyware Online
It can be difficult to know which way to turn when it comes to online security. Learn about viruses, spyware and malware removal as we demystify digital threats. Online security is a massive concern for organisations and individuals alike, and software which can prevent viruses, or help with malware... Read more
Protecting Your New Tech In The New Year
Christmas often means a whole lot of new tech to enjoy, and that unfortunately means a whole lot of new security concerns as well. With the Christmas and New Year celebrations now becoming a rapidly-fading memory, the return to real life has come into sharp focus. However, still having... Read more