FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Rescuing Your Data: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Recovery Solutions

Our digital lives hinge on data, from personal memories to essential work documents. Losing this crucial information can be devastating. Fortunately, data recovery software offers a vital safety net. This guide examines the intricacies of data recovery, its practical applications, and how to choose the right software for protecting your…

Adobe Acrobat Pro is the ultimate solution for increased productivity

Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Despite our many technological advances today, we still sit with situations where we open several apps for a task. You use one to compile a document, another one…

GOM Mix Max’s Big Launch

GOM & Company is releasing its newest video editing software, GOM Mix Max, with a big launch celebration. Focused on balancing high-quality and plentiful features, GOM Mix Max will be a powerful tool for new editors and veterans alike. Users who sign up now can get GOM Mix Max for free for…

InstaThis: For Your Instagram Photos On Wood Or Acrylic
What do you do with all those Instagram photos that you upload? Digital photography sure has changed our habits drastically, but it does not mean that photo prints are out of the picture. In fact, photo printing services continue to enjoy good business, simply because we still tend to... Read more
The Internship: Life As a Google Intern
It’s cool to be a geek these days, to the outrage of those who hold a “geekier than thou” stance. I suppose we can thank the likes of Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs for this trend, but even if you do not like how mainstream geekiness has become, there is... Read more
Will We Be Seeing A Totally Different iOS This Year?
Apple’s mobile operating system is arguably the most beautiful you’ll see in the market today, and I only say arguably because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Looking at things from an unbiased point of view, one cannot ignore the fact that, as aesthetically pleasing iOS may... Read more
Will The New Xbox And PlayStation Block Used Games?
Things are heating up, with the 20th of February just around the corner. If you’re not aware yet, that date is when Sony is supposed to make official announcements about the PlayStation 4, something that many a gamer has been waiting for. Maybe, we’ll finally know whether the rumors... Read more
Docracy Tracks Terms Of Service Changes
Remember when Instagram made some changes to its Terms of Service? How can anyone forget the ruckus that followed and the resulting backpedalling of Instagram? What the average consumer may not realise, however, is that entities making changes on their TOS is not a totally rare occurrence. It does... Read more
Coursera Gets The Nod From American Council On Education
Free online learning platforms have enjoyed a boom in popularity in recent times. Also called massive open online courses (MOOCs), these programs are available to anyone who wishes to take them. The topics range from superheroes to fantasy and science fiction to math to technology to literature. MOOC providers,... Read more
New Google Input Tools Tear Down Language Barriers
It’s been said, albeit jokingly, that the Internet has forced people to speak English. While it may be a funny thing to say, there is a grain of truth to that. In 2009, English topped the list of Internet languages, with Chinese not too far behind. Many factors come... Read more
PlayStation 4 Price Point Rumored To Be Lower!
True to form, Sony has been keeping a tight lid on the details on the upcoming PlayStation 4. We have received  rivulets of information regarding the specs and the probability of Sony releasing their console after Microsoft does, but that’s about it really. Speculation is always rife when it... Read more
Honda Opens Its Arms To Siri
Prior to its release, Siri was surrounded by a lot of hype. Typically, though, once it was available to the public, complaints started cropping up. There really is no pleasing some people. The issue with Siri, though, is whether or not she really is useful to the average person.... Read more
Small NY Uni Gets Its Own Watson From IBM
Remember Watson? Not the assistant to the quirky English detective we all know. (I have to say that the Watson in the series Elementary, a new take on the classic detective story, is an excellent choice). Anyhow, I am referring to the other Watson, the human-trumping Jeopardy!-playing Watson. While Watson... Read more
New Dropbox Features: Instant Preview & Virtual Album Sharing
Dropbox is, arguably, the biggest and best in free cloud storage services. Whether you buy into that or not, you cannot ignore the awesome number of 100 million users. For no cost at all, 2GB is not such a bad deal. Then you have to consider the fact that... Read more
Alicia Keys Is Blackberry’s Global Creative Director
They say that once you go Mac, you’ll never go back. I suppose that may not apply to iOS, if Alicia Keys is any indication. Before January ended, she was announced as the new Global Creative Director of Blackberry, in line with the reveal of the Blackberry 10 (BB10). One... Read more
Be A Green Techie With ecoATM
Last year, the United Nations declared that there were six billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world. That number is almost the same as the world’s entire population, which is nearly seven billion people. While that certainly does not mean that almost every individual on earth owns a mobile... Read more
Studio Ghibli Enters The PS3 Market With Ni No Kuni
Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli has captured the hearts of countless animation fans all over the world with its creations such as Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Tales from Earthsea, and Ponyo. Even individuals who are not really into the format easily... Read more
Meet Yolo, Intel’s First Smartphone For Africa
Smartphones of all shapes, sizes, and price tags can be found left and right. In most places, the chances are that you will find a device that will suit your budget and preferences. Different countries offer unique markets, of course, and mobile phone manufacturers are taking this into serious... Read more
Is Twitter Becoming Too Complicated?
Some time last year, I discovered a simple infographic detailing the stages of getting Twitter. It is rather funny, some may say in a deprecatory kind of way, but if you think about it, the stages are rather accurate. They are as follows: complete inability to understand Twitter, trying... Read more
Forget Expensive Fitness Trackers With Moves
Fitness trackers have been the rage in the past months, what with people with dispensable income becoming more aware of their fitness needs. Of course, the fact fashion dictates that people pay more attention to health and exercise – not to mention gadgets and software that are supposed to... Read more
BitTorrent Sync To Rival Dropbox
We’re living in an era where people have multiple devices. Ask the average person, and that chances are that he has a laptop (and/or desktop computer), a mobile phone, and a tablet. Some have more than one of each device. This setup brings about many advantages, but there is... Read more